

Comment trouver Six Women gratuit

Les Randonneuses

Les Randonneuses

Six femmes : Sara, Noémie, Patty, Karen, Valérie et Morgan. Six drôles de dames que tout oppose et qui ont l’idée folle de partir en randonnée à l’assaut du Dôme de la Lauze, un sommet de près de 4000 mètres! Des paysages somptueux mais un défi complètement dingue surtout quand on découvre qu’elles sont toutes touchées de près ou de loin par le cancer. Malgré la difficulté des chemins de la montagne, la fatigue, le découragement, les engueulades, le danger, ces randonneuses vont vivre une aventure humaine qui les rapprochera pour toujours..

Six Women

Six Women

This is a low budget western about six undesired women who are taken out of a western town and transported to prison. Their adventures along the way are the basis for the film. The head man, Charley, is in charge of making sure the women stay in line. One night, Dolores, a Mexican girl, tries to escape. Charley catches her and has her tied to a tree, hanging by her wrists, for punishment. He strips her to the waist and lays a bull whip on her back..

Six Sense: Women in Sight

Six Sense: Women in Sight

Yeong-jun experienced what death feels like... One day, he heard someone talking on the phone next door... and got confused. Without knowing, he passes through a wall and enters Soo-ae's room. He was amazed and startled... he was invisible in Soo-ae's eyes. Yeong-jun who is back in his room... concentrates on his thoughts, thinks and focuses on his dreams... He realizes that he can move to his desired place and he can read other people's thoughts... He finds out that he has the power to start reading women's psyche and innermost thoughts, and begins to meet them....

Six Angry Women

Six Angry Women

A young, unarmed black teenager is shot by a white neighborhood watchman. It is up to a jury of six to decide whether or not the man is guilty of murder. Inheriting the classic 12 ANGRY MEN and shadowing the incendiary current events of police brutality, racial profiling and civil rights, 6 ANGRY WOMEN - done with an improvised script - presents the jury deliberation of six women, strangers brought together by their civil duty, each seeking to do the right thing. But the ultimate question looms for each of them to answer: what is justice vs. what is legal?.

The Six Devil Women

The Six Devil Women

Shenzhen, with its booming economy and new found riches, has attracted thousands of young women from the countryside. They all come with the hopes of a better life for themselves and their families. The six women portrayed in this film are classic cases of the thousands of women who, for various different reasons, have chosen the path of no return..

Six Singing Women

Six Singing Women

Two men with opposite personalities, Kayashima and Uwajima, accidentally wander into a beautiful village after a car accident. When they wake up, they are imprisoned by six beautiful but strange girls who live in the village. Kayashima is at the mercy of the girls' instinctive behavior, but is gradually drawn to the pure beauty of girls, who are at one with nature. Uwajima is attracted to one attractive girl and steps into forbidden territory. The six girls were incarnations of catfish, pit vipers, owls, dormice, bees, plants, and other creatures of nature disguised as humans. What they wanted from the men....

L'homme qui valait trois milliards : Vin, vacances et vahinés

L'homme qui valait trois milliards : Vin, vacances et vahinés

Suite à une mission ayant provoqué la mort d’une innocente, Steve est réticent à suivre de nouveau les ordres d’Oscar. Celui-ci se livre alors à une manipulation conduisant Steve à affronter Findletter, un dangereux trafiquant d’armes installé à Nassau et mettant en vente des armes nucléaires. Steve va s’allier à un couple d’agents soviétiques d’abord antagoniste, mais dont les objectifs rejoignent le sien..

Six Faithful Women

Six Faithful Women

Aruguru Pativratalu is all about six women. When these girls are studying in tenth standard Their parents were forced to depart from each other as they are moving from Korukonda. So They decide to meet again after 6 years. When they meet, five of them are already married and sixth one is about to get married. This film is all about the stories of their marital life and husbands. The story is narrated with 4 flash backs.In this, its explains all the characters how they get married with their partners..

6 femmes d'exception

6 femmes d'exception

This documentary centers on the lives and work of six active and creative women who contribute to the social and cultural life of Haiti. Micheline Laudun Denis is a renowned pianist, Vivianne Gauthier is a dancer and dance teacher, Emerante De Pradines is a professional singer who introduced voodoo songs to Haiti's high society, Madeleine Desrosiers is a peasant healer from Jacmel, Odette Roy Fombrun is the author of books on history, geography and citizenship, and Paulette Poujol Oriol is the president of the League of Women for Social Action..

Six femmes pour l'assassin

Six femmes pour l'assassin

L'atelier "Christian" est une maison de haute couture très réputée qui a pour cadre un véritable petit château dont la propriétaire, la Comtesse Como, est également la directrice de l'établissement. Elle est associée à Max Morlachi, un homme d'apparence austère qui s'occupe essentiellement de la partie administrative. La Comtesse, veuve, a hérité de son mari décédé dans un accident de voiture. Elle a pour employés deux modélistes : Cesar et Marco, et une dizaine de modèles. Les ennuis commencent lorsque Christiana découvre le cadavre d'Isabelle, l'un de ses mannequins, dans une armoire....