

Comment trouver Shadows in the Sun gratuit

Coup de foudre en Toscane

Coup de foudre en Toscane

Weldon Parish, célèbre écrivain, solitaire et excentrique, s'est retiré depuis 20 ans en Toscane où il mène une vie paisible. Une grande maison d'édition londonienne envoie un jeune agent ambitieux, qui rêve de devenir célèbre en réussissant là où d'autres ont échoué : faire signer un contrat à Weldon. Mais c'est sans compter sur Isabella, dernière fille du romancier, dont il tombe éperdument amoureux, jusqu'à en oublier sa mission….

The Shadow of the Sun

The Shadow of the Sun

When a deaf young man asks his estranged older brother to join him in a musical contest, this salt-of-the-earth blue collar worker must dust off his musical chops in order to be his little brother's voice..

Sunless Shadows

Sunless Shadows

Dans un centre de détention, des adolescentes se livrent devant la caméra de Mehrdad Oskouei. Il parvient à tisser un lien étroit avec les détenues dont il observe les conversations franches, les échanges ludiques. Elles révèlent leurs pensées intimes, leurs sentiments et leurs doutes. Il devient petit à petit clair qu’au-delà de la prison, cet environnement fermé et entièrement féminin représente un refuge qui les protège d’une société dominée par les hommes..

The Sun and the Shadow

The Sun and the Shadow

The first love between two very different characters is the prism through which we are shown the point of view of the film-makers who denounce war and plead for simple human happiness..

Sun And Shadow

Sun And Shadow

There was light and it was brutal. The shadows could not heal. The Boy had fallen into sleep. The Girl was recalling and the sand was everywhere..

Sun and Shadow

Sun and Shadow

An innkeeper, Juana, is courted by Jarana, a bullfighter who is then seduced by a stranger. Juana then confides in a hunchbacked antiquarian who loves her desperately..

Under the Shadow of the Sun

Under the Shadow of the Sun

Matko, a 42-year-old Ethiopian man, is released from prison 15 years after murdering his wife. He sets out in search for his only son who was two at the time of the murder. After finding out that his son supports himself through sex work he contemplates ways to help him..

Like Shadows Growing as the Sun Goes Down

Like Shadows Growing as the Sun Goes Down

Medellin. Tireless car traffic. In the margins of a society launched at top speed, some lurking engines shutdown to make a living; Jugglers at intersections, employees on breaks, whose precise and repetitive work mark the flow of time which is always repeated..

Serious Games 4 – A Sun With No Shadow

Serious Games 4 – A Sun With No Shadow

An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. In A Sun With No Shadow, Farocki calls attention to the subtle differences between the simulations for combat training and PTSD. With the former, the sun can be programmed to cast shadows in the virtual combat zones, while the latter, less expensive technology does not offer this feature..

Black Sun

Black Sun

A German artist in Spain decides to revenge the death of two Nordic tourists and to defend the strikers in a bloody conflict..