

Comment trouver Shadowlands gratuit

Les Ombres du cœur

Les Ombres du cœur

Les amours de C. S. Lewis, brillant professeur d'Oxford et auteur à succès et d'une jeune romancière juive américaine qui va déconcerter ce célibataire endurci..



An anthology style series that explores love in three separate stories - a couple renegotiating a relationship, a narcissist grasping to comprehend it, and star-crossed lovers mourning its loss..



When Zach gets a message from his biological father on social media, he and his friends venture to Death Valley to meet him. No one was prepared for what they find.



This documentary follows two residents of Lyari, both of whom have lost family members to police encounters. Through telling their stories, the documentary sheds light on the on-going ramifications of violence and to question whether peace has truly been achieved for the people of Lyari..



Shadowlands is an animated short film about darkness that won't let go. About the constant fear that something terrible might happen. It describes a journey into the inner world and psyche of a young person in distress, a world far from "normal"..



When Laura was six, her parents got divorced and her father disappeared from her life. The happiness she experienced on her final journey with her father, when he danced with her at a flea market in Brussels, holds a special place in Laura's memory. When Laura finds the shadow puppets her father once bought for her in the attic, these open up a portal to the past for her..

Dark Nemesis

Dark Nemesis

Dans un monde post-apocalyptique ravagé par des seigneurs de guerre rivaux, un groupe de soldats désespérés élabore un plan pour voler le trésor d'un seigneur de guerre et commencer une nouvelle vie. Face à la menace d'une mort horrible aux mains des bourreaux du seigneur de guerre, les hommes s'échappent dans une terre désolée et interdite connue uniquement sous le nom de Shadowlands. Maintenant, les hommes doivent fuir les assassins vicieux du seigneur de guerre tout en se défendant des créatures terrifiantes qui habitent le pays..



Acting : Vince
popularity : 0.657
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Vince en streaming gratuit.