

Comment trouver Season of the Witch gratuit

Le dernier des templiers

Le dernier des templiers

Après des années de croisade en Terre sainte, le templier Behmen et son fidèle compagnon, Felson, reviennent en Europe, désabusés. Alors qu'ils aspirent à une vie paisible, ils découvrent leur pays ravagé par la peste noire et se retrouvent appréhendés par les hommes du Cardinal. Accusés d'avoir déserté, ils risquent la prison. Ils n'ont pas d'autre choix que d'accepter une étrange mission. Ils doivent escorter une mystérieuse jeune femme, désignée comme une sorcière responsable de l'épidémie, jusqu'à un lointain monastère où elle sera jugée et où sera pratiqué un ancestral rituel purificateur….

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

Approchant la quarantaine, Joan Mitchell s'ennuie ferme au foyer. Elle vit dans une petite banlieue pavillonnaire que la famille s'apprête à quitter. Son mari Jack est un homme d'affaires distant, et sa fille Nikki est une jeune fille ...distante. Bref, Joan a une vie morose. Après avoir rendu visite à une voyante qui l'encourage à vivre ses propres rêves, Joan se persuade qu'elle a tous les talents recquis pour devenir une parfaite sorcière. Cette séance de tarot a déclenché la crise chez la ménagère et l'être démoniaque qui sommeille en elle. Bientôt rêve et réalité se confondent de plus en plus pour elle, et la situation tourne à la tragédie..

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

When Mary Blackwell and her children return to her hometown of Maiden Hollow to clear out her recently deceased father s house, the local villagers are initially hostile towards the new family and local priest Michael Howdy takes an unhealthy interest in Mary s daughter, Alice. After being involved in a car crash years back, Michael has suffered brain injuries which spark off a series of surreal fantasies featuring Alice and his dead wife, Isobel. As Michael's illness invades his mind, and his sanity, he suddenly finds himself in position he could never have imagined!.

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

A group of self-proclaimed witches discuss the misconceptions surrounding witchcraft, the history of magic in global religions, and the particulars of the Salem Witch Trials..

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

Mary Blackwell travels back to her hometown of Maiden Hollow to clear out her recently deceased father's house. She takes her two children Alice and Sam with her. Whilst there they discover ....

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

A woman falls overboard during a rafting trip in Skagafjörður, hits her head on a rock and later dies without having gained consciousness. Her mother contacts Einar and tells him she was murdered. Einar finds this hard to believe but starts investigating anyway, more as as sop to the old lady, whom he likes, than on suspicion of finding anything suspicious. Shortly afterwards a charismatic young man disappears and Einar gets orders to write up a story about the investigation, while also covering a problem with politics and hooliganism in a village a few hour’s drive from Akureyri. His investigation leads to interesting facts about the young man, who was not all he seemed to be, and also about the dead woman’s husband. At the same time Einar finds himself embroiled in two separate family dramas with quite different outcomes..

Dead Hot

Dead Hot

The project documents Hudgens’ journey in Salem, Mass., along with her best friend, musician GG Magree, as they set out to learn about witchcraft, ghost hunting and connecting with the spirit world..