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Blue Reflection Ray

Blue Reflection Ray

Basé sur le jeu Blue Reflection de GUST. L'histoire se déroule au milieu de l'été, dans le lycée pour fille Hoshinomiya. Hinako Shirai vient d'être transférée dans cet établissement après s'être blessée à la cheville, l'empêchant ainsi de poursuivre son rêve de danseuse classique. Un jour, durant l'une de ces ennuyantes journées d'école, Hinako fait la rencontre de Yuzuki et Raimu, deux personnes détenant des pouvoirs magiques. A l'issue de cette rencontre, Hinako acquiert un mystérieux pouvoir : celui de se transformer en magical girl, plus connu sous le nom de "Reflector". Les Reflector sont des valkyries de la lumière pouvant voyager entre le monde réel et le monde alternatif où vivent des êtres se nourrissant des émotions négatives des humains..

Reflection of You

Reflection of You

Lorsqu'une jeune femme brillante qu'elle a connue dans le passé et qui n'est plus que l'ombre d'elle-même refait surface, une peintre à succès voit sa vie rêvée basculer..



A short film made us to question why people nowadays prone to have a apathetic view towards social, emotional life and the world surrounding.



In a little house filled with mirrors, Fiep focuses on her physical imperfections so intensely that her distorted self-image grows out of proportion..



As a man reflects on his own solitary existence, he begins to realise the disturbing apparition in the bathroom mirror may be his only true friend..



As she keeps watching old home movies isolated in her hotel room, the screen becomes a mirror from which she tries to see herself. Levels of subjectivity, narrative, and reality entwine into a surrealist fever dream of scopophilic cinéma pur. The final layer of meaning is all of us watching the film on the screen-mirror in the theatre..



When a high school girl tries to give up what she loves in order to fit in, her reflection comes to life to remind her of her true self..



Created while staying in Canada and England through a grant from the Gotoh Memorial Foundation. “Reflection” was produced from uncontrollable natural light rather than artificial studio light, and in this way functions as a new venture into documentary..



On a dark and rainy day, Roisin stands alone looking at her reflection in her bedroom mirror. Her attention is taken by a dark pink dress that hangs in her wardrobe, reminding her of the day she spent in her favourite local charity shop with her favourite person, Aunty Aine. They spent the day trying on the whackiest of dresses and the strangest of hats, but it soon became clear that this was one of her auntie's last good days..



Tara is a single mother, harried, overworked, and worried about her 8-year-old boy and his growing love for make-up and dresses. She struggles to find a balance for her and her son, but slowly unravels her true feelings towards her gender non-conforming child..



An eleven-minute film by Akram Zaatari from 1995. Memories and images of childhood are reflected both on the screen and in the small mirror that a young boy plays with. Filmmaker and video artist Akram Zaatari was born in Saida, Lebanon in 1966 and currently lives in Beirut. His art practice also includes photography, installation, critical writing and curating..



Reflection is a short film that reflects how others see us in relation to who we actually are, and that nobody is or ever will be perfect in others' eyes. As Lamis closes her eyes she realizes that everything that happens in her head isn't true, and that she shouldn't compare herself to other people, and not everything we see is the truth..