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Queen and country

Queen and country

1952. Bill Rohan a 18 ans et l’avenir devant lui. Pourquoi pas avec cette jolie fille qu’il aperçoit sur son vélo depuis la rivière où il nage chaque matin ? Cette idylle naissante est bientôt contrariée lorsqu’il est appelé pour effectuer deux années de service militaire en tant qu’instructeur dans un camp d’entraînement pour jeunes soldats anglais en partance pour la Corée. Bill se lie d’amitié à Percy, un farceur dépourvu de principes avec lequel il complote pour tenter de faire tomber de son piédestal leur bourreau : le psychorigide Sergent Major Bradley. Tous deux parviennent néanmoins à oublier un peu l’enfermement et la discipline à l’occasion de rares sorties. Mais leur est-il encore possible d’y rencontrer l’âme soeur ?.

Queen and Country

Queen and Country

A film exploring the Queen's love of country life - whether in Scotland, Norfolk, or Windsor - through the eyes of those who came into contact with her and shared her passion..

For Queen and Country

For Queen and Country

Based on the true story of a group of students from Leiden, The Netherlands, this miniseries explores their experiences, different paths, and roles in World War II, either as Nazi collaborators or as members of the resistance..

Jayson Bend: Queen and Country

Jayson Bend: Queen and Country

Jayson Bend (also known as “Agent 009”) is an openly gay British super spy! Modeled completely after James Bond, he drives fast and plays hard - always with other hot boys. In this truly impressive 48-minute parody/homage, the first in an on-going series, Jayson teams up with a sexy Swiss counterpart to try and stop the world’s largest global hair salon chain, and their nefarious CEO, from launching a satellite that will threaten the very fate of human existence. Don’t miss this exhilarating new thrill ride!.

For Queen and Country

For Queen and Country

A documentary following the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards from the front line of Helmand Province, Afghanistan to their work as ceremonial soldiers at Trooping the Colour, the Queen's annual birthday parade on Horse Guards, London..

For Queen and Country

For Queen and Country

The remarkable true story of Major Denis Rake MC. An openly gay theatre actor recruited by Churchill’s Special Operations Executive to spy on the Nazis in occupied Paris during WW2. Denis was told to keep his head down, get a job and blend in… so he became a drag queen entertaining Nazi officers in a Parisian nightclub!.

Pour la Gloire

Pour la Gloire

Reuben, un parachutiste antillais engagé dans l'armée britannique, se retrouve rejeté par la société civile, et ce malgré ses exploits en Irlande du Nord..