

Comment trouver Polaris gratuit



En l’an 2144, la Terre sombre dans une nouvelle ère glaciaire. Sumi, une enfant humaine élevée par une ourse polaire, échappe de justesse à la capture par les Morads, des trappeuses sanguinaires. Se retrouvant seule, Sumi découvre la « Fille de la glace » : une amitié improbable se forge alors et, ensemble, elles devront poursuivre leur quête vers la dernière étoile qui brille, Polaris..



Capitaine de bateaux dans l'Arctique, Hayat navigue loin des Hommes et de son passé. Quand sa sœur cadette Leila met au monde une petite fille, leurs vies s'en trouvent bouleversées. Guidées par l'étoile polaire, elles tentent de surmonter le lourd destin familial qui les lie..



Polaris is a 2D-3D hybrid film about Aushna, the Last Traveler, and her quest to bring Light back to her dying city. Through a difficult journey, Aushna comes to a crossroads: Selfishly take the Light for her people, killing its guardian in the process, or allowing an ancient being to live..



Work. Eat. Sleep. And back to work. For a long time skippers in the North East of Scotland could not find locals to work on their fishing vessels. That was until Filipino fishermen started coming to town for work. Both nationalities strive to shorten the distance between two very different worlds..

La Fille du Père Noël 2 : Panique à Polaris

La Fille du Père Noël 2 : Panique à Polaris

Mary Class est confrontée à une situation difficile : son père ne peut plus gérer l'entreprise familiale et la jeune femme sait qu'elle va bientôt se retrouver face à de nombreuses responsabilités. D'autant qu'elle est parvenue à faire carrière à New York, et qu'elle envisage assé mal un retour au pôle Nord pour superviser l'atelier du Père Noël....

The Polaris

The Polaris

North Star is a girl from the provinces who is about to enter her first year of university. After the pandemic and the problems of the past, it made her feel burned out in her life and could no longer do what she once loved: "taking pictures." She was so distressed by the loss of inspiration that she began to become an introvert. She didn't hang out with anyone until she met Sun, a faculty friend who persuaded her to step out and explore new things in her life and taught her to enjoy the little things around her..

Fly Me to Polaris

Fly Me to Polaris

A young man, blind and dumb, works as an audio tape typist in a hospital and fostering a tender and sincere relationship with a beautiful but introverted nurse. When hit by a car, he is the sixty billionth human being to die on earth, and is on transit to Polaris, en route to a yet more sophisticated form of existence in Vega. Given a reprieve of five days and a chance to be reunited with his love on earth, he cannot reveal his true identity behind the temporary facade he must present to her. Both boy and girl eventually learn, through a tangle of difficult and miraculous events, how love and good things always find ways of creeping into people's lives when people are not greedy and least expect these blessings..

Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum

Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum

While visiting a museum, two siblings Ben and Kim a fierce electrical storm creates a passage between the real world and worlds within the paintings. They are magically whisked through time to the 1600's and find they must square off against a wicked magician and also locate a valuable jewel in order to return to the present day..

Polaris 20

Polaris 20

Polaris returns to one of the best venues in the country, with a stacked card that pits Team Brazil vs Team USA in the revolutionary Squads format. A refreshed Team USA will take on the might of Team Brazil in a no-gi team event, alongside an exciting undercard full of rising talent. There will also be a historic superfight to cap off this amazing card..