

Comment trouver Past Perfect gratuit

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Dylan Cooper, un flic violent pur et dur, ne tolère pas la corruption et le crime. Mais il y a plus impitoyable que lui, 3 flics surgis de nulle part. Dotés d'un armement ultra sophistiqué, ils nettoient les rues de Los Angeles, éliminent de sang froid les petits criminels comme les gangsters chevronnés. Qui sont-ils? Des flics de l'an 2025 en mission en 1996 pour éradiquer le mal à la racine et éviter qu'il influence sur le cours de l'histoire et amène le monde à sa perte..

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

“Past Perfect” is a spirited meditation on the elusiveness and inaccessibility of (Jewish) history as conveyed through sightseeing tours of “Jewish” Poland, a grandmother’s recollection of life in America during War II, and memoir-like “last moments” of a great aunt believed to have died in Treblinka. Shot almost entirely in contemporary Poland, “Past Perfect” lyrically portrays the relentless yet ultimately futile attempt to resuscitate a history literally gone up in smoke..

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Many cities or countries have a distinct malaise. They are places that could be Portugal, so sunk in a painful longing of the past, and where each tension of the present is only the tip of an iceberg that is explained in successive retreats that can go straight until origin of the species, at least. This feeling common to many latitudes is often presented as a diagnosis, a denial of a painful present as opposed to the desire to return to a glorious past..

Past Present Perfect?

Past Present Perfect?

In high school, Shantal (2003) experienced the pangs of first love after she met Sir Daniel, her Filipino teacher. Fast forward to the present, Shantal (2018) now pursuing a career in writing, gets the biggest surprise of her life as she crosses paths with Sir Daniel once again in their high school reunion. Has the time already come for Shantal’s unrequited love to be reciprocated by the man she admires the most? Will the perfect love she dreamt of ever come true?.

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

A pair of summer and winter weekends intertwine in a series of flashbacks involving five friends. Their dreams and expectations overlap with memories of events that took place in the house that they are sharing, which has a particular significance for all of them..

future past perfect Pt. 3 (U_08-1)

future past perfect Pt. 3 (U_08-1)

a quiet autumn night in tokyo. a man stops his car at a shop front with a number of vending machines to get a last drink of tea on his way home. he inserts a coin, but instead of the usual procedure, the machine starts performing its own peculiar performance....

Safe Condition: Document in the Past Perfect

Safe Condition: Document in the Past Perfect

Frames 20th-Century ideologies and dreams of liberation, using found footage. The film presents an account of the period between 1932-1985, juxtaposing two different films in a montage format. One, 18mm home footage of an unknown Danish family, taken before and after WW2. A deadpan camera registers happy holiday moments, the Berlin Olympics (1936), and the World Exhibition in Paris (1937). Secondly, and with the same lack of involvement, we see the liberation of Denmark in May 1945. The second film is a first generation erotic movie, shot in 1972, showing a student's party developing into carnality, reflecting the liberating promises of this newly legalized pornography. The entire montage is accompanied by and interview with Charles Manson, who projects his messianic views from his prison cell. Through its anti-dramatic slide from normality to perversion, the film implicitly challenges the 20th-Century welfare state's promise of freedom to its citizens..

La Locataire

La Locataire

Récemment séparée, Juliet tente de se trouver un nouvel appartement. Lorsqu’elle déniche un magnifique loft à Brooklyn, la jeune femme se dit qu’elle a beaucoup de chance. L’endroit est fabuleux et le propriétaire, Max, est vraiment charmant. Pourtant, certains faits étranges alertent bientôt Juliet. Son appartement n’est peut-être pas le paradis espéré. La troublante impression de ne pas y être seule commence à l’effrayer. Elle sent des regards, des présences... Entre passages secrets et obsessions, commence alors une terrifiante partie de cache-cache. Pour avoir une chance d’échapper au piège qui se referme sur elle, Juliet va devoir faire face au pire des cauchemars..