

Comment trouver Nude Model gratuit

Nude Model

Nude Model

A third-rate photographer who snaps and sells nude pictures, can't get over the woman who left him after amazing sex. One day, he works with a model named Su-jin to meet the deadline. She is daring. She claims to comfort the wouded man and starts to seduce him. He falls for her. But one day, his ex-lover comes back and Su-jin witnesses their intercourse. She falls asleep in the bathroom and the photographer realizes her loves her....

Self Portrait of a Nude Model Turned Cinematographer

Self Portrait of a Nude Model Turned Cinematographer

Sharon Green's short film Self Portrait of a Nude Model Turned Cinematographer (1971) represents a collision of incipient cinefeminism and autobiographical filmmaking. Containing a blend of still photographs and subjective moving-image shots of her body, the work has largely been overlooked because of a reductive framing of it as mere homage to male avant-garde artists such as Stan Brakhage, for whom Green was a nude model..

Nue pour l'assassin

Nue pour l'assassin

Un médecin pratique en secret un avortement sur un top model travaillant dans l’agence Albatros. L’opération se déroule mal et la jeune fille meurt d’une crise cardiaque. Avec l’aide d’un ami, le médecin camoufle le décès en le faisant passer pour une mort naturelle. Peu de temps après, il est sauvagement assassiné. Puis c’est au tour des personnes travaillant dans l’agence, aussi bien les photographes que les mannequins, de subir les assauts du dangereux psychopathe, habillé en motard et adepte du couteau….