

Comment trouver Nightfall gratuit

Poursuites dans la nuit

Poursuites dans la nuit

James Vanning est un homme simple, tranquille. Mais deux malfrats très dangereux pensent qu'il possède l'argent d'un casse. Il devient bientôt un homme en fuite dans les montagnes enneigés du Wyoming..

La mort des trois soleils

La mort des trois soleils

Sur une planète peu avancée technologiquement et abondamment éclairée par 3 soleils, il ne fait que jour. La découverte archéologique qu'une nouvelle période nocturne reviendra divise la population en deux : ceux qui sombrent dans le mysticisme et ceux qui cherchent des solutions rationnelles pour survivre comme l'usage d'abris. Le film est inspiré de la nouvelle "Nightfall" (Quand les ténèbres viendront) d'Isaac Asimov, parue en 1941. L'auteur a par ailleurs développé la nouvelle en 1990, en collaboration avec Robert Silverberg, ce qui a donné le roman "Nightfall" (Le retour des ténèbres)..



The people of the planet Aeon, blessed with six suns, have never experienced night. When an archeological excavation uncovers evidence of an ancient catastrophe, all signs point towards the impending darkness of the very first Nightfall. Panic erupts as the suns slowly disappear one by one. Science struggles against superstition as the people race to comprehend the approaching Nightfall... the end of the world as they know it. Based on Isaac Asimov's classic story "Nightfall," voted "The Greatest Science-Fiction Story OF All Time.".



A group of friends gather for a Memorial Day celebration, when the Earth is violently attacked by someone...or something...from regions beyond. This exciting character-driven thriller features found footage chronicling the panic and terror that ensue as these people must fight to survive..



A long truck is cutting its way through the darkness. Trucker Ray decides that it`s going to be his last ride, when a solitary voice out of the radio is holding him back. Just then he drives by a blood covered girl wandering down the street. Lost as he is, she is strolling through the darkness and so he decides to take her with him. But when he discovers that Ingrid is tracing a trail of destruction and has nothing to lose he starts to hope that she is the one to set him free. But is he ready to leave his past behind and be free?.



Freeport, Maine. Fall of 1998. A group of teenagers hang out together after school - Ryan's parents are gone, and his house is free. They drink, smoke, watch a ratty old VHS tape, and get closer and closer to each other. But as unexpected emotions start to reveal themselves, and the teens start to separate, they soon realize they are not alone. And something inhuman is outside - picking them off one by one..



Une étude étonnante de la lumière en temps réel changeant du jour à la nuit qui a été filmée dans une forêt en hauteur dans les montagnes de la Sierra Nevada en Californie..



FBI agent Jack Talbot is having a rough week. While investigating a bloody trail of punctured corpses, he draws an unbelievable conclusion: there is an army of vicious vampires loose in Seattle! He is in hot pursuit of the cold bloodsuckers when his partner is killed by the head undead. Now Jack must raise the stakes and go after the bloodthirsty nightstalker in an intense, heart-stopping finale that will leave you drained!.



Found footage film where a group of friends gather for a Memorial Day celebration, when the Earth is violently attacked by someone...or something...from regions beyond. This exciting character-driven thriller features found footage chronicling the panic and terror that ensue as these people must fight to survive..



Shot in his garage-studio, the camera records Ader painstakingly hoisting a large brick over his shoulder. His figure is harshly lit by two tangles of light bulbs. He drops the brick, crushing one strand of lights. He again lifts the brick, allowing tension to accrue. The climax inevitable—the brick falls and crushes the second set of lights. Here the film abruptly ends, all illumination extinguished..



The chronicles of a day in the life of a nameless woman as she wanders around Singapore. Part documentary part video essay, 'Nightfall' is a fictionalized account of Suwichakornpong's time spent during a residency researching Thai politics in a foreign land..



Apparently nothing happens in Nightfall, and a lot happens at the same time. There is always another detail that attracts attention, the movement of a sheep, the way the forest behind the lake lights up for a moment, how snow blows through the image..



The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) student brigade included leftist students from Lebanon who mobilized around the struggle for the liberation of Palestine in the early 1970s. With the departure of the PLO’s armed forces from Lebanon after the Israeli siege of Beirut in 1982, the brigade was disbanded. Mohamed Soueid was part of the group, and as the Lebanese civil war ended, he decided to film them and revisit their shared sites of memory, drawing a raspy-voiced portrait of defeated militants infused with poetry and generously doused in alcohol..

Halo : Nightfall

Halo : Nightfall

Jameson Locke est une des étoiles montantes de l'unité des Spartans. Envoyé avec son équipe sur une lointaine colonie pour enquêter sur des actes terroristes, il y découvre un artéfact d'une puissance inimaginable. Pour survivre, il leur faudra se battre, tout remettre en question et, finalement, choisir entre la loyauté et leurs vies..