

Comment trouver Night Shift gratuit

Night Shift

Night Shift

Amy, étudiante américaine installée depuis peu en Irlande, se dégote un job pour se faire un peu d'argent, mais pas n'importe quel boulot, réceptionniste de nuit dans un hôtel au passé sanglant..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Alors qu'elle travaille pour la première fois de nuit dans un motel isolé, une femme commence à soupçonner que la propriété est hantée..

General Hospital: Night Shift

General Hospital: Night Shift

General Hospital: Night Shift is an American prime time serial that first aired on Soapnet for a 13-episode run from July 12, 2007 to October 4, 2007. A spin-off of the ABC Daytime soap opera General Hospital, the show is SOAPnet's first original scripted drama series and follows the nighttime adventures of familiar and new characters around the hospital. As of March 2008, the first season of the series was "SOAPnet's most watched series ever," with ABC Daytime and SOAPnet President Brian Frons noting that Night Shift drew more than 1 million new viewers to the channel during its first season. With its reruns gaining higher ratings than those of General Hospital on SOAPnet, a second season was expected, though Frons noted that the same crew producing two shows had taken its toll. It was announced in May 2008 that Lisa de Cazotte would serve as Executive producer for season two, joined by Head writer Sri Rao. The 14 new episodes of Night Shift began taping in high-definition in June 2008, with the series airing Tuesdays at 11 p.m. and premiering on July 22, 2008. SOAPnet said the second season "will feature new and returning characters as well as the return of 'legacy' characters from GH. In addition, the continuity between story lines on Night Shift and GH will match." The second season finished its run on October 21, 2008..

Night Shift : Patrouille de nuit

Night Shift : Patrouille de nuit

Le vétéran chevronné de la police de Los Angeles Ray Mandael, fait équipe avec une nouvelle recrue idéaliste, Nick Holland, qu’il va initier à la brutale réalité de leur métier, tout au long d’une nuit intense et violente dont ils ne sortiront pas indemnes..

Night Shift

Night Shift

"Night Shift" follows 18-year-old Cheryl and best friend Darcy as they waste away the Summer of ’85 waiting tables at the only diner in their middle of nowhere Oregon town. Suffocated by small-town conservatism and her sexist high school reputation, Cheryl longs for the day that she can finally ditch Myrtlewood and her vengeful ex, Scottie, for good. But after falling victim to a mysterious late-night animal attack, Cheryl undergoes a strange transformation that pushes her friendship with Darcy to the brink and pushes her to bite back against her tormentors once & for all..

Night Shift

Night Shift

One night, an actor prepares to go on stage while a museum guard makes her rounds. The two gradually immerse themselves in these dormant institutions, on the fringes of shows and exhibitions..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Ollie Jeffries is an on-again, off-again actor. His long term gig as a bathroom attendant on this one night, forces Ollie to face a reality he’s not yet ready to embrace..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Après la mort de leur mère, deux frères sans ressources braquent une station-service pour tenter de rembourser l'hypothèque de leur maison familiale. Mais le verrouillage du coffre-fort contenant l'argent oblige les voleurs à prendre des otages, et leur plan simple devient incontrôlable..

Night Shift

Night Shift

The story links together the experiences of several EU assault team members working different night shifts. During their shifts, they already encounter all kinds of unfathomable dangers and challenges, but the true test of their endurance lies in the endless temptations that they face in the darkness of the night. With their willpower slowly weakening as the night wears on, their self-protection and restraint are also in danger of suffering serious blows..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Night Shift was a late-twentieth-century television series that portrayed people who work the night shift. Night Shift was made by a small independent production company called Addictive TV for the ITV network in the United Kingdom. Each episode of Night Shift lasted only five to ten minutes. The show's original run was from 1992 to 1994, while an additional series was produced in 1998. Several of Night Shift's episodes were filmed at the same location, most notably Gatwick Airport and Victoria Station. The original series featured a highly effective model shot, in which a camera moves across a Monopoly-style map of a city into the title, Night Shift, written as a street name. The shot was produced for a pilot in mid-1992, but utilized in the final shows too. The model was constructed by model-maker Peter Poole, and filmed by Dave Hicks. Despite the slick look, there was no professional film studio involved: just a Brighton garage. A mini-mist smoke machine was used to add depth to the backlit model, which was about 6 by 4 feet in size. A photo appeared in the design magazine, Creative Review, in the What's New In Design? section. The show, filmed entirely hand-held in a style very common now but not at the time, was presented in a lighthearted and informal fashion by the writer and actor, Colin Bennett. Bennett is also known for his appearance on the BBC children's television show, Take Hart, which was presented by Tony Hart..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Night Shift is an Irish television music show. It was one of Channel 6's Irish shows, as was Take Six, Pop Scene and its sister show Day Shift. It was launched with the network on Sunday, 30 March 2006. Night Shift was transmitted late at night and sometimes early on weekend mornings. The show was hosted by Michelle Doherty and featured the alternative music scene. In 2006, Night Shift was voted the favourite music show by Hot Press magazine readers. On 8 December 2008, it was reported that Channel 6 sent the show on indefinite hiatus. The last show aired on 31 December 2008 as Channel 6 was replaced by 3e on 1 January 2009. 3e have no current plans to return the show to the air. The show helped launch many new Irish bands such as Director. Michelle Doherty presented, from 2009 to 2010, a late-night alternative music show on RTÉ Two called When Under Ether and until 2012 had her own radio show on Dublin's alternative rock radio station Phantom FM. She also appeared in the film What Richard Did..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Documentary short depicting night workers in an armament factory making tank components for the war effort, the commentary largely being supplied by the workers themselves..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Night Shift is a love letter to the filmmaker’s memories of her early childhood spent in their hometown of Jinan, China. It is an exploration of feelings towards how much the city has changed upon visiting Jinan again after years away..

Night Shift

Night Shift

Follows a cleaning lady going through an overnight shift at an airport. Her actions throughout may seem selfish and heartless but they all become incredibly understandable at the end..