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Manifesto rassemble aussi bien les manifestes futuriste, dadaïste et situationniste que les pensées d’artistes, d’architectes, de danseurs et de cinéastes tels que Sol LeWitt, Yvonne Rainer ou Jim Jarmusch. A travers 13 personnages dont une enseignante d’école primaire, une présentatrice de journal télévisé, une ouvrière, un clochard… Cate Blanchett scande ces manifestes composites pour mettre à l’épreuve le sens de ces textes historiques dans notre monde contemporain..



Rosefeldt’s thirteen-channel video work Manifesto questions the role of the artist in society today. Australian actor, Cate Blanchett, performs the manifestos as a series of striking monologues. The installation draws on the writings of Futurists, Dadaists, Fluxus artists, Situtationists and Dogma 95, and the musings of individual artists, architects, dancers and filmmakers. Passing the philosophies of Claes Oldenburg, Yvonne Rainer, Kazimir Malevich, André Breton, Elaine Sturtevant, Sol LeWitt, Jim Jarmusch, and other influencers through his lens, Rosefeldt has edited and reassembled a collage of artists’ manifestos..



In a small European country, the king is scheduled to visit a small, quiet and "safe" village. It turns out that while the village may indeed be small, it's neither as quiet nor as safe as it's expected to be..



Over three pivotal years in party politics, activists in the safest Labour seat in the country campaign for change under the banner of Jeremy Corbyn's 'For The Many' manifesto..



A small art academy in fused into a huge university as one out of many institutes. They have to follow all the university´s administrative procedures. But secretly, the students and staff decide to self organize as an independent art school. They create their own courses, programmes and leadership, secretly and without the university´s knowledge..



In 1998, for the New Year’s Eve party at the Forum Fabricum club in Łódź, Zammenhoff created the video work called 'Manifesto'. The film was presented within an installation formed of many television sets and functioned as the party’s decor. The artist delivered an address in which he expressed a pessimistic evaluation of his own belief from the beginning of the decade in the potential of new techno-culture to radically transform reality..

Scum Manifesto

Scum Manifesto

SCUM Manifesto est un pamphlet anarcho-féministe écrit, auto-édité et diffusé par colportage à partir d'octobre 1967 par la new-yorkaise Valerie Solanas qui y préconise « à toutes celles qui ont un brin de civisme, le sens des responsabilités et celui de la rigolade, de renverser le gouvernement, en finir avec l'argent, instaurer l'automation à tous les niveaux et supprimer le sexe masculin ». Cet essai, remarquable par le ton employé : "Solanas a cerné le cœur de la domination masculine, en a saisi le langage et l’a entièrement condamné dans un éclat de rire assassin", sera réédité parallèlement en août 1968 par Maurice Girodias pour Olympia Press, aux U.S.A., avec une seconde édition en 1971. "S.C.U.M." (Society for Cutting Up Men) est un acronyme inventé de toutes pièces par Girodias..

The Wayne Manifesto

The Wayne Manifesto

The Wayne Manifesto is an Australian children's television series that aired on the ABC in 1996. Based on the children's books by David McRobbie, it is centred around the life 12-year-old Wayne Wilson, showing the world both as the way he would like it and the way it really is. Filmed in Brisbane, Australia, it aired most weekdays in the afternoon at 4pm on the ABC..

Manifesto of a Serial Killer

Manifesto of a Serial Killer

In a riveting character-led narrative full of unimaginable twists and turns normally reserved for fiction, detectives discover two depraved men who killed at least 25 people in pursuit of their macabre sexual fantasy to enslave young women at a remote cabin in the woods, and who documented their horrifying crimes. All these years later, mystery still swirls around the facts of this case and the possible involvement of a third person, whose story the show will seek to uncover..

Manifesto Canibal - How to Make Movies in Times of Crisis and Chaos

Manifesto Canibal - How to Make Movies in Times of Crisis and Chaos

In 2002 Petter Baiestorf launched the fanzine "Manifesto Canibal" with notes on how to produce films independently without any resources. In 2004 the anarchist publisher Achiamé ordered an expansion of the fanzine to be published in book format and, thus, the book "Manifesto Canibal" by Petter Baiestorf, Cesar Souza and intervention by Carli Bortolanza appeared. In 2007, already out of print, Petter Baiestorf decided to film the book in the format of an experimental short and what follows here is the result of this iconoclastic experience that kills the gods of cinema..

Ernesto's Manifesto

Ernesto's Manifesto

Ernesto is a sweet, gentle man who is doing the best he can to get by in current-day Los Angeles. A sudden series of bad breaks, however, cause him to lose his job, his girlfriend, and his home - placing him in a very precarious situation. Then, just when all seems hopeless, he gains employment, a great place to live, an important friendship, and unexpectedly, an improved career trajectory. In his new position, he finds love, financial independence and a bright future - a happy ending beyond his wildest expectations..



Chen Wangdao returns from his studies in Japan and takes on the task of translating the Communist Manifesto, which changes the course of his life..