

Comment trouver Let's Sing Along gratuit

Let's sing-along

Let's sing-along

Now a superstar, Brett Ambler performs to a school of children with a plastic microphone and playing all kinds of games, with all kinds of sounds: animal sounds, made up sounds, even songs with funny sounds..

Let's Sing Along

Let's Sing Along

Chu Wai Tak (Anita Mui), a timid and shy office lady, is embarrassed by her ex-boyfriend by enrolling her in a singing contest. Tak is in trouble as she can't sing when someone else is round. She asks King (Dayo Wong) a Karaoke fanatic, to train her and make her confident in performing in front of others. The time is coming, King decides to give Tak the final "confidence boost" session... Anita Mui must overcome stage fright by learning from the “King of Karaoke” in this musically-inclined comedy..

Disney’s Sing-Along Songs: Let's Go To Disneyland Paris!

Disney’s Sing-Along Songs: Let's Go To Disneyland Paris!

Songs are for sharing, and learning the words to your favourite Disney songs has never been so much fun! Just sing along to the on-screen lyrics as you enjoy classic Disney characters in their most memorable musical scenes! Celebrate a musical day at Disneyland Paris - the magical place where dreams come true! See Mickey and Minnie hustle and bustle behind the scenes during a day of fun and thrills at the park! Then get a front row seat on some of the wildest rides, like Star Tours, Big Thunder Mountain and the Pirates of the Caribbean. Join Chip and Dale, Roger Rabbit and a Magic Kingdom full of your favourite Disney characters and sing along to the happiest songs on earth!.