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The Maids

The Maids

Gabriella, une femme de chambre, porte un bijou lors d'une soirée dansante qui appartient à sa maîtresse, elle est accusée de vol et envoyée en prison. D'autres femmes de chambre organisent une recherche pour le vrai voleur qui semble être un jeune moustachu qui chante continuellement une chanson populaire..

Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen

Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen

Hannelore Reitzler elopes with her boyfriend to the Hotel Liebesnest but he leaves her during the night after failing to take her virginity. Not wanting to return home, Hannelore takes job as a chambermaid which also involves giving sexual favors to the guests at an extra charge. Meanwhile, a female cat burglar visits Das Liebesnest every night and each time she gets caught, she offers her body to the captor to keep them quiet..