

Comment trouver Killer 2 gratuit

Killer Women (2014)

Killer Women (2014)

Ancienne reine de beauté, Molly Parker s'est renconvertie en Texas Ranger, le métier que son père exerçait autrefois. Elle est l'unique femme de son département et dans cet environnement on ne peut plus macho, elle n'a pas peur de se battre, quitte à y laisser quelques plumes et se faire des ennemis. Elle peut toutefois compter sur quelques collègues bienveillants, sa famille et ses amis pour la soutenir dans son combat quotidien....

Henry, portrait d'un serial killer 2

Henry, portrait d'un serial killer 2

Suite de Henry, Portrait d'un serial killer, ce deuxième volet relate la suite des 'exploits' macabres de Henry Lee Lucas. Après une folle cavale à travers les Etats-Unis, il s'installe chez un couple, bien loin de se douter des agissements meurtriers de leur locataire..

Killer Crocodile 2

Killer Crocodile 2

Ils pensaient en avoir fini avec le saurien mutant... ils avaient forcément tort. C'est ce que va découvrir Lisa Post, une reporter pour le New York Chronicles. Les fûts toxiques qui étaient supposés avoir été détruits sont toujours là, attendant de créer une nouvelle génération de mutants. Et avant que qui que ce soit ait eu le temps de dire "écologie", la progéniture aussi vorace que son illustre parent va peindre le marais d'un beau rouge sang..

Killer 2

Killer 2

Jurek Kiler has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, meeting world leaders. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations and problems in his love life....

Kung Fu Killer 2

Kung Fu Killer 2

This is the second part of the kung fu killer. China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge..

Killer Raccoons 2: Dark Christmas in the Dark

Killer Raccoons 2: Dark Christmas in the Dark

La veille de Noël, l'ancien étudiant Casey Smallwood est libéré de prison après avoir purgé dix ans de prison pour consommation d'alcool par des mineurs. Désireux de quitter la ville, il prévoit de rejoindre son correspondant de longue date dans un train pour Washington, D.C., mais après que l'express des fêtes ait pénétré dans la nature sauvage hivernale, il est détourné par une bande de terroristes en colère et des ratons laveurs très intelligents, formés par le gouvernement ! Casey, qui ne recule devant aucun combat de ratons laveurs, s'associe à un porteur dans le train pour combattre les terroristes et aider à faire tomber un satellite laser militaire top secret contrôlé par les ratons laveurs !.

Doll Killer 2

Doll Killer 2

15 years after the original events, Doll Restoration artist Stephanie is followed by Charlie Crandall to her new home in Southern California for a final game of cat and mouse..

Killer Robots: Robogames 2011

Killer Robots: Robogames 2011

Every year robot maniacs from around the world converge in san Francisco for Robogames, a 3 day event that celebrates the culture of extreme robotics. 220 pound robot warriors fight to the death, with the last robot standing crowned king of Killer Robots!.

Killer Highway 21

Killer Highway 21

Killer Highway 21 is a Hindi movie released on 20 Apr, 2018. The movie is directed by Parveen Dagar and featured Arjun Dagar and Nawal Chauhan as lead characters..

Killer Shorts 2

Killer Shorts 2

This feature includes three new shorts: The Killer's Meow, The Last Rendezvous 2: Retribution, and The Opportunist. All wrapped together with horror host Count Balazar..

21st Century Serial Killer

21st Century Serial Killer

Aaron Schwartz has one big become famous - REALLY famous so he's figured out the surefire way to achieve his dream, becoming an infamous serial killer. The one big problem is: he can't kill a fly. After years of failed attempts, Aaron surrenders into a comfortable marriage and the obligatory doll drum job, steadily losing hope for his lifelong aspiration. But with news of a real serial killer on the loose in his hometown, Aaron sees a unique opportunity and his final chance to make his childhood dream into a reality. Perhaps he can use his obsessive knowledge of serial killers to track down the local murderer and learn from the best. Then again, maybe some dreams just aren't meant to be achieved..

Killer 2

Killer 2

Gu Pu Zai Chun (Lu Haiying decoration) was appointed by Big Star Brother as a knife, ambushing his rival Madman Dong. Chun convened Brother Chuan (Chen Yuchen decoration) and Qing (Liang Liwei decoration) to plan the action. Qing brothers Mike (Zhang Haolong decoration) can not dissuade cleaning bottom, only to stay beside him to protect, join the "juvenile knife hand". Everyone made a great contribution by mistake, and was soon assigned a second task. Four of them stepped into the abyss of eternity..