

Comment trouver Jack in the Box gratuit

Jack in the Box 2 : Le Réveil du démon

Jack in the Box 2 : Le Réveil du démon

Olga Marsdale, au dernier stade d’une maladie incurable, se retrouve en possession d’une vieille boîte qui contient un démon emprisonné, Jack. Ce dernier lui propose un marché : si celle-ci lui livre six victimes, elle pourra vivre. Aidée de son fils, Olga va tout faire pour sauver sa peau, quitte à condamner des innocents..

Jack in the Box

Jack in the Box

Un vieux « Jack in the box » a été déterré et donné au musée dans lequel travaille Casey, un passionné d’objets vintage. Quand celui-ci va se rendre compte que la poupée cachée dans la boîte est en réalité une forme humaine de clown terrifiante animée d’intentions démoniaques, il sera déjà trop tard pour échapper à l’effroyable mécanique….

The Jack in the Box: Rises

The Jack in the Box: Rises

Lorsqu'un mystérieux Jack in the Box est découvert et ouvert dans l'enceinte d'une école pour filles, six courageuses étudiantes vont devoir se battre jusqu'au bout contre le démon qui s'est libéré..

Jack in the Box

Jack in the Box

Find a chair and you can stay, But if you don't you'll go away. The last survives another day... Pop Goes the Weasel. Welcome to Junior's world where six invited guests, trapped in a room, play a deadly game of musical chairs for their lives. Every ten minutes "Pop Goes the Weasel" signals the start of another round, and the horrific end of another player. Sit you live, stand you die- this is Junior's simple, twisted rule. Jack in the Box is a gripping study in psychological terror, unfolding in real-time, as Junior's desperate "guests" struggle with themselves, and each other, for survival. Seven begin the game, only one will end it. Who will it be? Grab a chair and find out. The answer will shock you..

Jack in a Box

Jack in a Box

Jack was a mild-mannered young man with a BFA in acting and no life skills. He took a job at a theater box office because it didn't involve heavy lifting, wearing a blazer or using Excel. A few years and thousands of customers later, Jack finds himself less mild-mannered and less young than ever before. Watch Jack try to manage his anger while navigating an insular universe where everyone is even more unstable than he is. Like all caged animals, he is going to throw his sh*t at you sooner or later... but first he's going to eat a cupcake and take a phone call from his mom. Service with a smirk, that's all you can ask for..

Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack

Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack

After bouncing from foster home to foster home, a shy and non-verbal teen girl once suspected of murder is placed in a new home by a caring social worker. Little by little the case worker realizes the murders that happen around the girl are the work of a demonically possessed Jack in the Box..