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Hot War

Hot War

Trois scientifiques et amis d'enfance travaillent pour la CIA sur un programme qui peut transformer toute personne en combattant virtuel surpuissant..

Hot Thrills and Warm Chills

Hot Thrills and Warm Chills

Trois femmes qui ne se sont pas vues depuis des années se retrouvent dans un motel pour rattraper le temps perdu, mais aussi pour orchestrer le vol de la couronne du Roi du Sexe lors du prochain carnaval du Mardi gras..

Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse

Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse

A body conscious photographer, Adrian, concocts a scenario in which he attempts to project his insecurities onto those who mock him. Hired by Adrian, his professed muse Mira and five other girls begin to question who is using who when it becomes clear that the not so normal mind of the photographer himself isn't all the girls have to worry about..

Warm Nights and Hot Pleasures

Warm Nights and Hot Pleasures

Three College friends go off to New York to become Broadway stars and they endure an endless parade of casting couches and frauds in their pursuit of Limelight, which puts more and more strains on their friendships..

Where is Hitler? A Hot Trail During the Cold War

Where is Hitler? A Hot Trail During the Cold War

Did the Fuhrer escape with a submarine to Argentina, was he living in Washington D.C. or is there proof that he committed suicide? FBI, British intelligence and German authorities followed every rumour, hint and trace. Previously undisclosed files, interrogation tapes, rare footage and photographs have been compiled in an attempt to ascertain the circumstances surrounding Adolf Hitler’s death..

Original Gangstas

Original Gangstas

Marvin Bookman, une ancienne star de football revient dans sa ville natale de Gary, apres l'agression de son pere et part en guerre contre un gang appelé les "rebelles" qui sème la terreur. Il va faire avec équipe avec son vieux copain Jake et Laurie, dont le fils a également été tué par le même gang..

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

When a police department's burglary task force is facing the possibility of being shut down because of their low conviction rate decides to try a new approach to apprehending their targets. They take over a pawn shop where thieves go to unload their merchandise. They record them as they bring stuff in and get them to tell them where they got it. Eventually they're threatened by the mob..

Hot Paint

Hot Paint

Two losers rob a rich guy and discover that, among the loot, they've taken a rare painting worth $2.8 million. John Larroquette plays his usual rude, selfish character-here named Gus - and he suckers Willy (Gregory Harrison) into his scheme to rob the mansion. The two losers have to try to figure out how to sell the valuable but high-profile item without getting busted. They travel the world looking for potential buyers but always end up short. Everyone can see that they are novices in the art world and buffoons in general..

La peur règne sur la ville

La peur règne sur la ville

"Mitraillette" véritable fauve à la gâchette facile, s'évade de la prison de Rome avec sa bande et un ancien cheminot inoffensif qui avait tué sa femme pour lui épargner d'atroces souffrances. Les vengeances mûries par les bandits pendant leurs années de détention sont immédiates, terribles, impitoyables, la police est dépassée....