

Comment trouver Homecoming gratuit



De bonnes intentions. Des patrons imprévisibles. Des conséquences imprévues. Heidi travaille chez Homecoming, un centre qui aide les soldats à revenir à la vie civile. Des années plus tard, le département de la Défense se demande pourquoi elle a quitté Homecoming. Heidi se rend alors compte qu'il y a une autre histoire que celle qu'elle se racontait..

Spider-Man : Homecoming

Spider-Man : Homecoming

Après ses spectaculaires débuts dans Captain America : Civil War, le jeune Peter Parker découvre peu à peu sa nouvelle identité, celle de Spider-Man, le super-héros lanceur de toile. Galvanisé par son expérience avec les Avengers, Peter rentre chez lui auprès de sa tante May, sous l’œil attentif de son nouveau mentor, Tony Stark. Il s’efforce de reprendre sa vie d’avant, mais au fond de lui, Peter rêve de se prouver qu’il est plus que le sympathique super héros du quartier. L’apparition d’un nouvel ennemi, le Vautour, va mettre en danger tout ce qui compte pour lui....

Vote ou crève

Vote ou crève

Alors que les États-Unis sont engagés dans une guerre, le président est en course pour se faire réélire lors des prochaines élections. Tandis que certains s'interrogent sur le bien-fondé de cet engagement, David Murch, le speech writer du président, affirme dans une émission télévisée qu'il voudrait voir les soldats américains tués en Irak revenir pour expliquer pourquoi ils se sont engagés. C'est alors que dans tout le pays les soldats américains tués dans les guerres passées reviennent d'entre les morts pour participer au vote et demander l'arrêt de la guerre..

Sexe, Vengeance et Séduction

Sexe, Vengeance et Séduction

Un jeune golden-boy retourne dans son petit village natale accompagné de sa petite amie. Il y retrouve son amour de lycée mais se rend compte que cette dernière a developpé une obsession maladive de sa personne....



When their mother disappears, a group of siblings are forced to fend for themselves, and make their way on their own. They eventually meet their grandmother, a loner who is reluctant to take them in..



Homecoming is the story of Estelle Szymanski, an Army medic in search of fun while on leave in her hometown of Celebration, Florida. With her directionless yet noble friends tagging along, she reveals hidden fears about her lonely mother and finds more than she expected from her homecoming celebrations..

Le retour

Le retour

Sur un bateau qui le ramène d'Europe à New-York, le Docteur Ulysses Lee Johnson (C. Gable) se souvient : chirurgien ambitieux, il formait avec sa femme Penny (Anne Baxter)un couple heureux, mondain mais égoïste, ne souhaitant pas qu'un enfant vienne troubler leur tranquillité. Un ami d'université, médecin des quartiers pauvres frappés de malaria, avait fait remarquer à Lee son inutilité et sa vanité. Cependant à la fin de la guerre en 1942, Lee s'engage comme médecin dans les troupes qui vont débarquer en Afrique du Nord puis en Italie. Sur le bateau Lee se querelle avec une jeune femme, infirmière, veuve de guerre, mère d'un petit garçon de 6 ans, Jane (Lana Turner). Lors de la bataille d'Anzio (1943), Jane continue à assister Lee pendant qu'il opère les blessés alors que la bataille fait rage et que l'hôpital de campagne est bombardé..



Kenyan Jim Chuchu’s short film casts a voyeur’s obsession with the girl next door, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, science fiction and fiction..



Five college friends spend Homecoming weekend at they house they used to live in when attending school. Five friends, who attended a Historically Black University together in the 90's, spend Homecoming weekend at the house that was once their off-campus dorm..



The movie tells the story of Abigael Edades who returns to her Philippine hometown from her five-year stint as a nurse in Canada. Her town mates rousingly welcome her as a hero, the crass moniker ascribed by the government to hundreds of thousands of Filipinos working abroad. She finds her family in tatters, her parents estranged and living apart and her brother Jepoy living the life of drugs. But she basks in the welcome of her mother and youngest brother Noel and the devotion of her boyfriend, who proposes marriage. Her happiness is short-lived. She is diagnosed with SARS and contaminates Noel. They cause a national scare, are quarantined in Manila and are shunned by their own townspeople and the municipal government. Even her boyfriend leaves her. The hero becomes a heel. "Just a month after my return, my views on life and the people around me have irrevocably changed," she says at the start of the movie..



HOMECOMING is a short film about Drew, a young war vet returning home from Afghanistan. Still processing his horrific experience overseas, Drew contacts his parents to discuss his homecoming. While his mother eagerly anticipates his return, his father holds onto the valiant expectations he has had for his son as a soldier. Ultimately, they are all forced to deal with the dark side of post-war trauma..



When memories of her dead grandma are unearthed during a candlelit night of drinking, Katie gets trapped with her friends in an old house left wondering, who will survive the night..



After an eight year absence from his family, John Corson returns to his family's beach house to reflect on his past one last time..



When Nina Patel is nominated to represent her eighth grade class at Homecoming, she's thrilled. However, Nina's traditional Indian parents refuse to let her assimilate to such an American tradition. Nina gets the answer she expects, but decides to ask her father one last time. Only when she shows up at his office unannounced, she discovers him in a compromising position with his secretary. Trying to shake the thoughts of a broken home, Nina flees the scene..



Three friends come home from exile where they fought side by side as cadres in the MK, the liberation army of the African National Congress. Back home in the new South Africa revelations of betrayal test their friendship and their sanity..



An anthology series centered around the mysterious Geist Group, an unconventional wellness company and their equally unorthodox program, the Homecoming Initiative..



Newport, Oregon. In a coastal town, Jeff and his wife Mattie work together facing the economic shifts. One son Chris, is unemployed; the other, Steve, is away on military service. Chris is lackadaisical and shiftless, Mattie perhaps drinks on the sly and tried to help her son, Jeff keeps his nose to the grind-wheel. Chris is dumped by his girlfriend, Jamie. Jeff scrambles to stay afloat. During a therapy session it is revealed that Chris is Jeff's step-son. Steve returns, but in a "transfer tube". Following his funeral, the family meet; an argument erupts, revealing the depths of the division between Jeff and Chris. In a counseling session Chris breaks down and is comforted by the counselor. Mattie and Jeff, lost in their grief, each lose their way..



After a long stay at the hospital Peter Sanders comes home to die. ‘Homecoming’ follows Peter’s last days and his troubled relationship with Joanne, an adulterous wife who desperately tries to reach to him, and Lindsay, his nine-year-old daughter who tries to cure him with love and Bob Dylan songs. Peter soon realizes that he’s not fighting the inevitability of death but his own fears and frustrations..