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The starting point of the work is the idea of ​​making the structure of the image audible via the simultaneously exposed light tone, of generating sound and moving images using photographic processes, but without a film camera. The dramaturgical stipulations for this resulted from the photo images, taken evenly as a series of 5 from different perspectives, which resulted from different distances to the photographed object, edited and expanded with a copying technique that I have been continuously using numerous photographs since I was 16 and material collages. This collage of moving images and the experience and knowledge that I was able to derive from it became the cornerstone for my creative ideas..

Jumping Hochhäuser

Jumping Hochhäuser

One often reads that films have explosive power. This also applies to Tomash Schoiswohl’s analysis of the demolition of social housing in Linz, St. Louis, and Glasgow. However, his film also has jumping power as the filmmaker jumps up and down incessantly at the sites of capital’s new highrises in Vienna. A wild, inspiring proposal for agitational cinema that does not rely on well-known patterns, but instead, makes dissent tangible in leaps..

Dark Tower

Dark Tower

Lorsqu'un lave-vitre tombe à mort du côté d'un immeuble de bureaux de Barcelone (tuant également un piéton sans méfiance), le consultant en sécurité Dennis Randall est appelé pour enquêter. Bien qu'il pense d'abord que les décès sont accidentels, il se rend vite compte qu'une force étrange est à l'œuvre à l'intérieur du bâtiment. Quelle pourrait être la cause de ces accidents? Plus important encore, y a-t-il un moyen de l'arrêter?.

Territoire ennemi

Territoire ennemi

Un vendredi après-midi comme les autres. Dans la tour Lincoln, les habitants rentrent précipitamment chez eux, s'enfermant à double tour. Tous savent qu'à la tombée de la nuit, le Gang des Vampires va errer dans les couloirs à la recherche d'une victime. Barry, un expert en assurances qui vient de divorcer, débarque sur les lieux sans savoir ce qui s'y trame....

Terror on the 40th Floor

Terror on the 40th Floor

A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor..



Kathleen Quinlan is a woman working late in her locked high-rise office building who, along with Bruce Abbott, struggles to elude an intruder trying to kill them..