

Comment trouver Half Nelson gratuit

Half Nelson

Half Nelson

Rocky Nelson is a former New York cop who is trying to make it as an actor in Hollywood. However, like most actor-wannabes, he is still looking for his big break, and his lack of stature doesn't endear him to the directors. So, he is currently working for Beverly Hills Patrol, a private security agency that caters to the needs of the Hollywood elite and who also try to keep things quiet for their clients. And every now and then Rocky comes across a case which requires him to slip into his old cop mold, which doesn't thrill his boss or the police lieutenant that he encounters..

Half Nelson

Half Nelson

Brillant professeur dans un lycée de Brooklyn, Dan Dunne enseigne avec passion à des adolescents en difficulté.Cependant dans sa vie privée, Dan est au bord du gouffre, il s'enfonce chaque jour un peu plus dans le désespoir et la drogue. Un jour après les cours, Drey l'une de ses jeunes élèves surprend son professeur en train de fumer du crack.En dépit de leur différence d'âge et de situation, leurs destins se croisent à un moment crucial de leur existence, où tout peut encore basculer d'un côté comme de l'autre..

Half Nelson

Half Nelson

Rocky Nelson is a New York cop, who after making a major bust and selling the rights of his story to Hollywood decides to try his luck out as an actor. However, when he gets there, the directors think that he is too short to be an actor. He is then approach by someone who offers him a job at a Hollywood security agency, cause he would fit in there being an ex-cop and while working there he could come in contact with some Hollywood heavy-weights who could give him the break he needs. And at the same he gets to live in Dean Martin's guest-house..