

Comment trouver Golden Earrings gratuit

Les anneaux d'or

Les anneaux d'or

Après la guerre, dans un avion qui se dirige vers l'Allemagne, un officier britannique conte à un compagnon de route l'histoire que lui rappellent les anneaux d'or qu'il a dans un coffret. En 1939, envoyé en mission outre-Rhin, pour rejoindre un savant allemand, inventeur d'un gaz toxique, lui, Davidson avait dû, pour échapper aux recherches de la Gestapo, accepter de devenir le partenaire de Lydie, une bohémienne qui le prit sous sa protection par haine de l'Allemagne.......

Ear of the Golden Dragon

Ear of the Golden Dragon

Kiroemon Natsume is the 45th leader of the Natsume family. Each leader inherits the power of extreme luck, which is sealed away in their left ear. He returns to Japan from Italy to succeed his father as head of the family, but falls in love with Kanako, a member of the rival Mina family. When he discovers that the Mina family is holding her as a hostage to use against him, he will stop at nothing to get her back..

Golden Earrings and Iron Hoe

Golden Earrings and Iron Hoe

Ke Li, a farmer of the Yao nationality, and his mother are exploited and oppressed by the bully landlord, and lead a poor life. One day, an old man passing by passed out at the door of Ke's house. Ke Li gave the old man the only cake in the house and sent the old man home. The old man's daughter took off a pair of gold earrings, and turned the gold earrings into two golden locks and gave them to Ke Li..