

Comment trouver Gemerlapan gratuit



Pam intends to sabotage Mimi and her friends participation in a singing competition but Wara spills the beans. In retaliation they give Pam a drug which makes him loses his memory. Mimi and her friends’ performance is applauded while Pam’s is ridiculed on stage because he forgets the lyrics of his songs. Pam is upset and he destroys the electric guitar and a drum belonging to Nell’s band. Nell has to make do with an acoustics guitar. Mimi and her friends emerge as winners but they offer to share trophy with Nell..

Dibalik Tjahaja Gemerlapan

Dibalik Tjahaja Gemerlapan

Djoni is a promoter who likes to scam artists by being very persuasive. He is trusted to arrange a performance that is meant as a fundraising gala. Top singers such as Rachmat Kartolo and Titiek Puspa become the stars of the show. Djoni displays his skills, so that even when he cheats, he manages to improvise and arrange the show. They depart for Bandung by borrowing a bus and on the road, there are arguments, jealousy and suspicion amongst the group. The film shows the ups and downs of the life behind the stage. Inspite of everything, the performance is a success..

Behind the Flickering Light: The Archive

Behind the Flickering Light: The Archive

This film tries to read the idea of film archiving in the mind of Misbach Yusa Biran. A character who gave his entire life to preserve and reinterpret the discourse of film as a source of Indonesian film history. The archives stored are entirely in Sinematek Indonesia..