

Comment trouver Génération RX gratuit

Génération RX

Génération RX

Lorsque Dean Stiffle découvre le corps de son meilleur ami, Troy pendu dans sa chambre, il choisit de ne le dire à aucun des parents. Il pense que toute cette petite communauté de voisins, si confortablement installée dans une banlieue fleurie, préférerait ne pas le savoir. Mais, la disparition de Troy ne passera pas inaperçue, ce dernier étant le fournisseur de drogue du lycée....

Generation Rx

Generation Rx

For decades, scores of doctors, government officials, journalists, and others have extolled the benefits of psychiatric medicines for children. GENERATION RX presents "the rest of the story" and unveils how this era of unprecedented change in Western culture really occurred - and what price has been paid by our society. International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller (Let Truth Be The Bias, The Promised Land) "delivers a jaw-dropping emotional ride," and "weaves a terrifying tale of criminal conspiracy, the mass abandonment of medical ethics, and the routine betrayal of an entire generation." By employing the expertise of internationally respected professionals from the fields of medicine, ethics, journalism, and academia, GENERATION RX investigates collusion between drug companies and their regulatory watchdogs at the FDA and focuses on the powerful stories of real families who followed the advice of their doctors - and faced devastating consequences for doing so..

Letters from Generation Rx

Letters from Generation Rx

As a result of the 2008 documentary"Generation Rx," thousands of people wrote director Kevin P. Miller to share their experiences on psychiatric drugs. Miller combines their gripping tales with the latest mental health research, science, and medical health perspectives..