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La paisible petite communauté de Grovetown est soudainement envahie de suicides inexpliqués. Alors que la plupart des habitants préfèrent l'ignorer et s'en remettre à Dieu, Lindsay, étudiante et petite amie du fils du pasteur, décide d'examiner de plus près l'inquiétant phénomène. En se liant d'amitié avec Aidan, jeune athée controversé, elle découvre qu'une force maléfique est à l'oeuvre, véhiculant la poussée de mort tel un parasite de victime en victime. Lindsay a l'étrange sentiment qu'elle sera la prochaine sur la liste et qu'Aidan pourrait être le seul espoir d'éradication de cette épidémie de suicides..

From Within

From Within

A series of bizarre encounters with the supernatural sends a woman down a nightmarish road of memories that can only end in blood..

From Within

From Within

Agoraphobic, Joe, is locked in - literally and metaphorically. His reluctance to face the outside world inadvertently leads to his wife’s death. Can he let go of the past to emerge from within?.

Invaders From Within!

Invaders From Within!

July 7, 1977. Tormented by tinnitus and fiending for fame, folk musician Paul Cody has isolated himself at a remote cabin in the sweltering summer woods. Plagued by indescribable sights and sounds, he’s about to uncover what creeps and crawls within the house's walls..

Terror from Within

Terror from Within

Jason Van Vleet's documentary explores how a plan to overthrow the government conceived in 1983 by home-grown extremists lead to the tragic 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Van Vleet's film includes interviews with officials who investigated the terrorist attack and a taped confession by one of the perpetrators of the bombing, and looks at domestic terror groups that are still operative years after the attack..

Voices from Within

Voices from Within

"Voices from Within" brings you into a world most people never see-a mental institution. For the first time in the history of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, cameras were allowed inside and placed into the hands of four individuals in care: Jimmy, Lee, Kevin, and Calvin, who have been residents for a combined 160 years. All of them have series mental illnesses..

Haunted From Within

Haunted From Within

A modern day re-telling of the urban legend La Llorona. A beautiful woman who before committing suicide drowned her children because of her cheating husband. Now her curse is spreading and has possessed young mothers in a small suburban community. Now it is up to an investigator with psychic abilities to exorcise the spirit..

Ripper 2

Ripper 2

Molly Keller se retrouve dans un hôpital psychiatrique de haute sécurité après avoir commis des meurtres sous l'emprise de son ancêtre Jack l'éventreur. Elle continue d'avoir des cauchemars dangereusement réels. Pour échapper à tout cela, elle accepte d'être la cobaye d'une expérience scientifique risquée....

It Takes from Within

It Takes from Within

An unnamed man and woman make preparations to attend a burial in a small, desolate town. After an intense argument separates the two, they find themselves isolated and in emotional turmoil. As the burial draws near, they begin to experience disturbing, surreal incidents involving manifestations of dread and despair. Abstract, dream-like sequences comprise the film, along with creative cinematography, abrasive sound design, and minimal use of spoken dialogue. A study of the human condition regarding loss, fear, and isolation, It Takes from Within is the debut feature film from writer/director Lee Eubanks..

From a Spaceless Within

From a Spaceless Within

Is art at its best when it's nothing at all? The filmmaker is and isn't the subject of this sharp artist profile, which confronts the concepts of distance and closeness in the documentary form itself when his subject Miles—an artist whose work concerns psychologist Harry Harlow's famous experiments with baby monkeys and cloth surrogate mothers—drops out of the project..

Reaching Out From Within

Reaching Out From Within

During a 22 year prison sentence, an inmate falls back into gang life until experiencing a loss that leads him on a path toward redemption. Focusing on positive mental health, this intimate reflection from incarceration to reentry explores the healing of a gang leader's deep emotional wounds..

from within a great silence

from within a great silence

It's said that people tend to find their way back to the places they are from. Perhaps two people who have never met, yet started their journeys together, can find their way back to each other. (tamara suarez porras).

Les Contes de princesses : La beauté vient de l'intérieur

Les Contes de princesses : La beauté vient de l'intérieur

Rejoins les princesses Disney dans trois nouvelles histoires où l'on verra ce qu'est la véritable beauté. Accompagne Jasmine et Ariel lorsqu'elles réalisent que ce qui compte réellement c'est la confiance en soi et l'amour que l'on donne. Écoute Cendrillon raconter la merveilleuse histoire qui a fait d'elle une princesse. Pars à l'aventure avec tes princesses Disney préférées et découvre que la véritable beauté est celle qui vient de l'intérieur....

Voices from Within

Voices from Within

When her sister, a prim-and-proper nurse, is found murdered in the parking lot of a wild nightclub, pianist Nancy Parkhurst learns the truth about her sister’s double life…and in so doing, has to face her own repressed childhood traumas..