

Comment trouver Found gratuit



Chaque année, plus de 600 000 personnes sont portées disparues aux États-Unis. Parmi ces cas, plus de la moitié sont des personnes de couleur, trop facilement négligées par le système. Gabi Mosely, elle-même ancienne disparue, est aujourd'hui spécialisée dans les relations publiques et dirige une équipe de gestion de crise qui recherche ces personnes disparues. Mais à l'insu de tous, Gabi Mosely cache elle-même un sombre secret..

On se (re)trouvera

On se (re)trouvera

Trois filles adoptées par des familles différentes aux États-Unis apprennent qu'elles sont cousines et se rendent en Chine pour rencontrer leurs parents biologiques..



Marty a douze ans. Détesté par ses camarades de classe, il supporte le réel en trouvant refuge dans la BD et les films d’horreur qu’il consomme à longueur de journées. Lorsqu’il découvre une tête planquée dans le sac de son frère et comprend que ce dernier est un tueur en série, son monde s’écroule..



Inspirée des romans primés d'Isaac Asimov, Foundation est la chronique de l'extraordinaire voyage d'une bande d'exilés pour sauver l'humanité et reconstruire la civilisation pendant la chute de l'Empire galactique..

Lost man found

Lost man found

Satoru Matsudo déménage à Tokyo dans l'espoir de devenir acteur. Il a du mal à percer dans l'industrie, mais sa chance commence à tourner lorsqu'il retrouve un billet d'avion appartenant au PDG d'une agence artistique..



Ten years on, a father's relentless search for his daughter leads him to a remote farmhouse, three states away from where she went missing..



Tang’s son was stolen when the child was three. Twelve years later, the Chinese police found him but that joy was dampened by a new reality..

Fausses disparitions

Fausses disparitions

Dans un bar minable à côté de l'autoroute, Whitaker trouve l'amorce idéale : blonde, belle et sans repères, une femme qui pourrait se faire passer pour la fille perdue d'un couple riche. La faire tomber amoureuse de lui c'est facile : lui faire jouer le jeu l'est plus encore. Prétendument détective, Whitaker contacte des malheureux parents et leur dit que l'incroyable s'est produit : après tant d'années, il a retrouvé leur fille disparue....



Through six vignettes, a broken family confronts their dark past one year after their daughter’s brutal murder was captured on camera in one long take..



"Found" is the story of an innocent teenage boy raised up in the Appalachian Mountains on a small old fashioned homestead devoid of modern conveniences and tucked away from the broader culture at large. Through a sudden tragedy, he suddenly finds himself cast out, alone and adrift into our high-speed, hi-tech modern world until he meets a troubled family who takes him into their home for better or for worse. What he learns about himself and what others around him discover about themselves brings new meaning to the phrase "testing your faith" (James 1:2-4)..

Since I Found You

Since I Found You

Five people looking for different kinds of love—the tough boss, the reliable practicumer, the career-driven assistant, the hardworking secretary, and the humorous company driver. Failures might stop them in their search, but love finds its way..



A female doctor who has a caring family and a loving fiancé, and a gay wedding planner who was raised by a single mom are at the peak of their careers. All of the sudden, they happen to face the difficulty of their fathers needing liver replacement at the same time. They struggle with the dilemma of donating their livers or staying healthy for their own sakes. Their parent-child relationships are tested with the most difficult situations..



Tabitha is stuck between two worlds. When the Artistic Director of her theatre company tokenizes her for his Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiative, she faces her reality of living in two skins as a Korean adoptee..



A short film about a boy's time in a new school. A film about learning about life and who your true friends are in a materialistic world. The story is integrated with the child's concept of fantasy and heroism..



Alex has always known he was adopted, and for all 26 years of his life that fact has never been more than a footnote. But after discovering new information about his background, he realizes he wants to know more. Finally gathering the courage to dig up his birth records, he starts down the uncertain path to find answers from the most important woman he's never met... his birth mother..



Raymone Maye was living large. Parties, girls and a good time are what he thought life was all about. After attending a high profile party, Raymone mysteriously wakes up in a hospital room without any recollection of what took place. He would later learn how close he came to death and the miracle that gave him one last chance to live..



A group of experts fan out across the nation to investigate unexplained objects found by ordinary people in their own backyards across America. They study the objects, test them, date them, and deliver real answers about the object's origins..