

Comment trouver Fixed gratuit



An adult animated comedy about Bull, an average, all-around good dog who discovers he’s going to be neutered in the morning! As the gravity of this life-altering event sets in, Bull realizes he needs one last adventure with his pack of best friends as these are the last 24 hours with his balls! What could go wrong?.



Allan is a married father of three whose sex life takes another hit when his wife can no longer take the pill. He soon finds himself with an appointment for a vasectomy and a nagging identity crisis. Although he is by all reasonable accounts a good, responsible man, the thought of getting "fixed" drives him to lose himself to an action-packed midlife crisis along with his best friends. Allan will refuse to grow up anymore..



On the night that low-level gambler Daz Clemance is leaving Birmingham to start a crime-free life with his girlfriend in Spain, he is accused of fixing an illicit bareknuckle fight. Beaten, stabbed, and locked in a cupboard, Daz is left armed only with his phone and his wits. Will he escape from the locked and guarded room before his boss wreaks revenge?.



Jemimah is five years old and desperate for her dog, Tilly, to have puppies. When she learns her parents plan to have Tilly desexed, Jemimah embarks on a quest to get Tilly pregnant..



A friendly football match between Bahrein and Togo in 2010, turns out to be rigged, as the team representing Togo is a fake team set up by international gamblers. The bad guys turn out to be victims, the good guy is revealed as the international gambling criminal while the top crooks stay out of sight since they have the power to determine who’ll be convicted. A revealing peek into a hidden world..

Tueur d'état

Tueur d'état

John Mercer est un ancien soldat des forces spéciales anglaises qui après avoir tué son oncle et sa tante, accusés de mauvais traitements sur sa nièce, est en prison. Mais il est recruté par le gouvernement comme assassin pour éliminer des personnes que la loi est incapable d'appréhender..

Baïonnette au canon

Baïonnette au canon

1951, débordé par l’offensive communiste en Corée, l’état-major américain donne ordre au Lieutenant Gibbs de couvrir la retraite d’une armée de 15 000 hommes. Pour y parvenir, il doit tenir une colline avec 48 soldats en donnant à l’ennemi l’illusion du nombre, dans le froid et un terrain difficile….

The Fixies

The Fixies

"And who are the fixies - a big, big secret!" - that's what the song about the fixies sings. Until recently, people knew almost nothing about these little people who live inside cars and appliances. Fixies take care of machines from the inside, cleaning them, lubricating them, fixing minor malfunctions. They are skilled and diligent craftsmen. Fixies are used to hiding from people, but they are everywhere: in computers, refrigerators, TVs ... Everyone remembers the cases when a non-working device suddenly began to work if it is lightly tapped. It's simple: a fixer woke up inside and made everything work. And now you can watch cartoons about these mysterious hard-working people and get to know them better....

The Fix

The Fix

Lured by a world where money buys everything, a star footballer falls into the world of corruption and match fixing..

Vancouver: No Fixed Address

Vancouver: No Fixed Address

There is no topic that unites all of Vancouver quite like that of housing. At every dinner party, social gathering, or chance meeting in the street, everyone has an opinion, and they want to share it. Charles Wilkinson’s new film Vancouver: No Fixed Address tackles the subject from a multiplicity of perspectives. A chorus of voices chime in — everyone from David Suzuki, to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, Seth Klein, Condo King Bob Rennie, Senator Yuen Pau Woo, and lots of regular Vancouver citizens..

Fix You

Fix You

A psychiatrist who is passionate about helping his patients does everything he can to help them heal their emotional wounds and find happiness..

Things Don't Stay Fixed

Things Don't Stay Fixed

Lorsqu'un photojournaliste mondain retourne dans le Grand Sud pour tenter d'arrêter le mariage de sa fille et sauver son avenir, il découvre que c'est lui qui a été coincé dans le passé..

Fixed: A Football Comedy

Fixed: A Football Comedy

Tout commence avec le légendaire match amical de football de la FIFA entre Bahreïn et le Togo qui a eu lieu en septembre 2010. C'est un match légendaire en raison du match lui-même ; le résultat, la réalisation et le déroulement du match (buts refusés, temps de jeu pur etc.). C'est légendaire en deuxième lieu parce que, comme il s'est avéré plus tard, cela a radicalement changé la vision que le monde avait jusqu'alors sur les matchs truqués..