

Comment trouver Fall Guy gratuit

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

Après avoir quitté le métier un an plus tôt, Colt Seavers, cascadeur, reprend du service lorsque la vedette d'un grand film de studio disparaît soudainement. Alors que le mystère autour de l'acteur disparu s'épaissit, Colt se retrouve bientôt pris au piège d'un sinistre complot qui le pousse au bord d'une chute plus dangereuse que n'importe quelle cascade..

L'homme qui tombe à pic

L'homme qui tombe à pic

Cascadeur à Hollywood, Colt Seavers profite de ses talents pour arrondir ses fins de mois en étant chasseur de prime. Aidé de son célèbre pickup, de son cousin Howard et de la belle Jody, il a souvent pour mission de traquer des fugitifs pour les confronter à la justice....

Fall Guy

Fall Guy

A sexy political drama about a man who's blamed for a crime he didn't do. Will justice be ever served to small people like him?.

Fall Guy

Fall Guy

A drugged man covered in blood is picked up by police. Before the cops can get answers the man escapes in search of answers to the mystery himself..

La Marche de Kamata

La Marche de Kamata

Une star de film de samouraïs sur le déclin, Ginshiro, rencontre une jeune fan, Makoto. Il profitera de la jeune fille pour se sortir de plusieurs situations délicates et voir, de se servir de ses fans pour le doubler dans une cascade des plus dangereuses..

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

Hollywood stuntman Colt Seavers hatches an elaborate plan to nab a corrupt sheriff, and he runs into trouble trying to protect an old friend..

The Fall Guys

The Fall Guys

While out on a bachelor's party, three mid-twenties college buddies come across a crime scene and three cases of premium grade heroin. Their stories are interwoven and told in flashback as they are interviewed by Narcotics Detective Mark Harrison and his officers. Each interrogation unknowingly pushes them deeper and deeper into a world they clearly know nothing about..

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

Johnny Quinlan is so desperate for a job that he takes a gig as a "bag man" for the mob. Meanwhile, his beleaguered wife has to deal with her bizarre, unemployed, wise-cracking brother and various neighbors while keeping house in their Brooklyn tenement..

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

In this final entry in the Pete Smith Specialty series, Smith pays tribute to actor and stuntman Dave O'Brien, who took many falls and spills (and upon whom objects fell) when he played hapless characters throughout the series. Under the pseudonym "David Barclay", O'Brien also directed many of the Specialties. Clips from previous films highlight O'Brien's work..

The Fall Guy's Fight

The Fall Guy's Fight

The Fall Guy's Fight (2024) explores the lack of representation stunt performers and coordinators have within the Academy Awards despite their massive contribution to the global box office each year..

No, Handsome Guy

No, Handsome Guy

Comic girl Ye Ran suffers from a phobia about handsome guys due to being hurt by one of them in the past. However, when she encounters the domineering CEO Meng Zhao, her life slowly begins to change..

What's Up Front!

What's Up Front!

This is the story of the world's best door-to-door bra salesman. His success causes his rival to use him to win the boss's daughter's hand in marriage..