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Expiration Date

Expiration Date

Charlie Silvercloud III lives with the family curse, on his fathers and grandfathers 25th birthday they were killed by a milk truck. It is now Charlies turn..

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

A short documentary featuring Noah Baerman, a jazz pianist living with a connective tissue disorder that presents a serious set of challenges to his life as an artist..

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

María and Javi are two lifelong friends. Even though they have drifted apart over the course of the last year, when María suffers an accident that leaves her at the verge of dying, they reunite and discover that they have always been in love. Now Javi has to decide whether he continues with his new life with an Uruguayan girlfriend, or give a chance to a childhood love that could die out any second..

Expiration Dates

Expiration Dates

Norval Morgan has a uniquely morbid hobby: he collects obituaries. This intimate and humorous portrait doc also touches on some universal issues like mortality and the legacies we leave behind..

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

For several months, the director has been talking to people who find their food in the garbage. Having won their trust, he tries to understand their philosophy, the organization of the garbage dump society, the motivation for leading such a life. The author tries to understand the main reason for their situation and deplorable state. His interlocutors are happy to talk about their difficulties. While hidden from the eyes of other people, they talk about human destiny, politics and God..

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

A love story about a man with an unnatural talent for seeing the end date in relationships. It’s not his instinct, it’s his nose hairs. Kai’s nose tells him it’s time to get out of the relationship he is in just as an old school mate comes back into his life. They take to the road and lead us on a wild and charming journey through the Lao mountains of Vang Vieng..

With No Expiration Date

With No Expiration Date

Leaving the seaside town at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the SS men hid lists of secret agents. A few years later, Sam Page, a former fascist mercenary Semyon Paygin, and two other agents come to the USSR in order to search for the archive. After all, the crimes of SS agents have no statute of limitations..

The Expiration Date of You and Me

The Expiration Date of You and Me

This drama is a diary of Hyeonsu and Seungyeon 10 years ago, who have become 30 now. Because of trivial misunderstandings and different memories, they feel bitter as it feels like that the expiration date of their first love has ended. But the diary is covered with bright colors of their youth and that spring with heart-throbbing first love. Would this make their tomorrow a bit lighter? We want to share this story to every tired Hyeonsu and Seungyeon of this world..