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L'officier de la CIA Claire Stenwick et l'agent des services secrets britanniques Ray Koval ont quitté leurs fonctions gouvernementales pour le monde bien plus lucratif des affaires où une véritable guerre froide sévit entre deux multinationales. Leur mission ? Obtenir le premier la formule d'un produit qui rapportera une fortune à son entreprise mère.Pour leurs employeurs - le titan des affaires Howard Tully et l'arrogant chef d'entreprise Dick Garsik - rien n'est hors limite. À mesure que les enjeux s'élèvent, que le mystère s'épaissit et que les coups deviennent de plus en plus sournois, le secret le plus complexe à élucider s'avère être l'attraction grandissante que Claire et Ray ressentent l'un pour l'autre. Alors qu'ils essaient de toujours garder une longueur d'avance, ces deux carriéristes solitaires trouvent leurs plans compromis par la seule donnée qu'ils ne parviennent pas à contrôler : l'amour..



On one night, in the same apartment, two dates take place. One is between Rose and her boyfriend. The other is supposed to be between Rose's sister Lily and a new romantic interest of hers. But Lily decides to stir up trouble - it's just supposed to be a bit of fun, but Rose soon finds herself on the precipice of betrayal..



A young detective must navigate the a relationship with a mysterious Women while he investigates a crime she may have been part of..



After her husband is murdered, Reggie Lucas' life becomes even more more complicated when a large sum of money turns up missing and a trio of gangsters come looking for it..



A group of individuals gather at the home of renowned lawyer Jonathan Agnew. They have all been summoned by Agnew himself, yet none of them know why. When the individuals enter the house they are shocked to discover Jonathan Agnew dead on the floor. The cause of death is unclear. In Agnew's right hand is his phone, with the last call being 911. Who dunnit?.



Alice Minville est infirmière au Canada. Elle est en pleine tournée dans le grand Nord lorsque sa mère meurt dans un accident de voiture. Quand elle apprend la nouvelle, quatre jours ont passé et le corps a été transféré en France sur les conseils du mari de Suzanne..

Duplicity I

Duplicity I

A friend of many years' acquaintance showed me the duplicity of myself. And, midst guilt and anxiety, I came to see that duplicity often shows itself forth in semblance of sincerity. Then a dream informed me that SINCERITY IV, which I had just completed, was such a semblance. The dream ended with the word "Duplicity" scratched white across the closed eyelids (as the title "The Weir-Falcon Saga" had been given to me). I saw that the film in question demonstrated a duplicity of relationship between the Brakhages and animals (Totemism) and environs (especially trees), visiting friends (Robert Creeley, Ed Dorn, Donald Sutherland, Angelo DiBenedetto and Jerome Hill among them) and people-at-large. I saw that the film shifted its compositions equally along a line of dark shapes as well as light, and that it did not progress (as did earlier Sincerities) but was rather a correlative of SINCERITY I. Accordingly I changed the title to "Duplicity.".

Duplicity III

Duplicity III

The final Duplicity film does seem at resolve with the term. All previous visual manifestations have been extended to their limits, through four-roll superimpositions. Obvious costumes and masks. Drama as an ultimate bid for truth, and totemic recognition of human and animal life-on-earth dominate all the evasions a duplicity otherwise affords..

Duplicity II

Duplicity II

This, the second film of the continuing autobiographical Duplicity series, is composed of superimpositions much as the mind "dupes" remembered experience into some semblance of, say, composed surety rather than imbalanced accuracy - as thought may even warp "scene" into symmetry, or "face" into multitudinous mask. What will have been becomes what will be being. I've tried to "give the lie" to this genesis of all white-lying..



Bablu est un jeune cuisinier en recherche d’emploi. Le hasard le met sur la route de Sonia la responsable des banquets dans un grand hôtel. Elle l’engage. Commence une nouvelle vie pour Bablu d’autant que Sonia ne le laisse pas insensible..



A company provides a service of sending people duplicates of themselves that work for them, run their errands, and do their chores, but that service costs..



Une femme, un enfant, bientôt deux. Matyas, orphelin et jeune père de famille, mène la vie dont il a été privé. A l'occasion d'une convocation chez un notaire pour une succession, il apprend l'existence de sa mère..., et d'un frère jumeau, Thomas. Dès lors Thomas n'aura de cesse de rattraper le temps perdu, tandis que Matyas, qui s'est découvert un autre lui-même, va tenter de reconstruire le puzzle de son enfance. Plus il fait la lumière sur son passé, plus son futur s'assombrit... Finalement, le jour où Matyas s'est retrouvé, il s'est peut-être perdu..