

Comment trouver Delusion gratuit



Meredith Stone, a home care nurse, has been assigned the duty of looking after a wealthy invalid named Ivar Langrock. Cooped up in Langrock's stately country mansion, Meredith quickly suspects that someone sinister is lurking in the manor's dark halls only to discover that Ivar's demented and violent son has been locked away in a hidden room. Shortly thereafter, Ivar's grandson Gabriel also moves into the house and with his arrival a mysterious killer soon begins murdering members of the Langrock family along with their live-in staff..



Three years after the death of Frank's wife a mysterious woman appears. As their attraction grows Frank struggles with reality and his loss. He tries to start over not knowing his choices could lead him to his own downfall..

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions !

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions !

Yûta rentre au lycée et il n’a qu’une préoccupation, réussir son intégration. Et pour s’assurer que tout se passe comme il l’entend, il tire un trait sur son passé et tourne le dos au chûnibyô. Il s’agit d’un mal qui atteint certains adolescents : leur imagination débordante les transporte dans un univers fictif. Yûta renie sans hésiter son amour pour ce monde fantastique et délaisse Dark Flame Master, le héros aux pouvoirs surnaturels qu’il y incarnait. Rikka, sa nouvelle voisine de l’appartement du dessus, se retrouve dans sa classe. Elle est totalement atteinte par ce syndrome. Alors que Yûta est exaspéré par le comportement étrange de la jeune lycéenne, celle-ci est bien décidée à l’embarquer dans ses délires… .



In this fast-paced, noirish road movie, a computer expert embezzles half a million dollars and races off to Reno to start anew. Unfortunately, en route, he picks up a pair of hitchers and ends up entangled with a crazed couple who commandeer his car and leave him alone in the desert to die. As soon as he can, he hits the road to get revenge and to find his money before they do..



After smoking some weed he found near the script of a play, a man trips while reading the romanticized suicide story. After reading he is convinced to kill himself..



Strange occurrences in the home of a young man who believes he sees the ghost of his dead brother, in this 1980 short, low-budget, "HItchcockian" horror film, written, directed and originally edited by film auteur, Jose Pelaez..

Delusional Monthly Magazine

Delusional Monthly Magazine

Quelque part, dans la ville de Most City, au deuxième étage d'un vieil immeuble, une maison d'édition publie une revue scientifique mensuelle qui propose des articles sur des événements bizarres ou des phénomènes inexpliqués laissant sans réponse même les scientifiques les plus érudits. Ses employés se composent seulement du séduisant rédacteur en chef, Taro J. Suzuki, auquel se joignent l'assistant Jiro Tanaka (en âge d'aller à l'école primaire) et son chien, Saburo. Un jour, le scientifique Goro Sato leur rend visite pour une consultation, point de départ d'une histoire rocambolesque....

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions ! -Take On Me

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions ! -Take On Me

Rikka est maintenant en Terminale, cependant elle est toujours atteinte du chûnibyô. Les examens d'entrée à l'Université pointent le bout de leurs nez, ainsi Yūta et Rikka doivent s'y préparer durant les vacances de printemps. Un jour, Tōka, la grande sœur de Rikka, annonce qu'elle doit déménager en Italie pour des raisons professionnelles. Cependant, elle a aussi décidé d'emmener Rikka avec elle. Bien que Yūta comprenne ses raisons, il ne veut pas être séparé de celle qu'il aime. Shinka lui suggère de fuguer avec elle et ainsi débute la grande fuite de Yūta et Rikka dans le Japon tout entier..

The Viral Delusion

The Viral Delusion

n 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself..

Delusional Investigation – A Stylish life of Associate Professor Koichi Kuwagata

Delusional Investigation – A Stylish life of Associate Professor Koichi Kuwagata

Koichi Kuwagata (Ryuta Sato) is an associate professor for literature at a third rate university. He has lived a dull life up this point and now decides to live a stylish life and, in the process, takes on difficult to solve cases in and out of the university. Unable to solve the cases by himself, Koichi Kuwagata relies on the help of homeless female student Hitomi Kanno (Nanami Sakuraba) with her excellant reasoning abilities. Meanwhile, Professor Koichi Kuwagata uses his own delusional skills and can understand the thoughts of the criminals. A professor falls from a window at the university. Rumors swirl among the students that in the room where the professor fell, a strange incident called "April Ghost" took place. The night that the professor fell, the temperature was unseasonably cold and it snowed. Dean of the university Tsuyako Kujiratani (Mitsuko Baisho) asks Koichi to figure out what the "April Ghost" is..

I'm a Delusion

I'm a Delusion

Makeup. Dreams and champagne. Everything is put together to share a delirium between two queens of the night. Yet one of the drag queens seems to express itself and behave in an abnormal way see theatrical … What if one delusional sharing could hide another?.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga shitai ! Le Film

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga shitai ! Le Film

Yûta rentre au lycée et il n’a qu’une préoccupation, réussir son intégration. Et pour s’assurer que tout se passe comme il l’entend, il tire un trait sur son passé et tourne le dos au chûnibyô. Il s’agit d’un mal qui atteint certains adolescents : leur imagination débordante les transporte dans un univers fictif. Yûta renie sans hésiter son amour pour ce monde fantastique et délaisse Dark Flame Master, le héros aux pouvoirs surnaturels qu’il y incarnait. Rikka, sa nouvelle voisine de l’appartement du dessus, se retrouve dans sa classe. Elle est totalement atteinte par ce syndrome. Alors que Yûta est exaspéré par le comportement étrange de la jeune lycéenne, celle-ci est bien décidée à l’embarquer dans ses délires… Ce film reprend l'histoire de la saison 1 mais du point de vue de Rikka. Il contient quelques scènes supplémentaires ainsi qu'une fin qui fait le lien entre les saison 1 et 2..

La Folie des grandeurs

La Folie des grandeurs

Banni de la cour à cause d'un enfant illégitime, Don Salluste veut se venger de la reine. Il fait passer son valet Blaze pour son noble cousin Don Cesar, afin qu'il séduise la reine. Blaze remplit son rôle à merveille, mais c'est compter sans une encombrante duègne tombée amoureuse de lui, qui leur vaudra de finir tout trois aux galères….

Molecular Delusions

Molecular Delusions

For one night, Kika collects audio recordings of orgasms. The acoustic phenomena generated by this hypnotic trance reveal the form that had remained hidden in the shadows..

The Great Delusion

The Great Delusion

The Great Delusion is a visual and auditory essay investigating the ongoing legacy of the commodification of nature: nature as other. Using a model of fragmentation, non-linear accumulation, and disorientation, the essay points to the ways knowledge and understanding of climate-change is formed. Starting from the artist’s positioned upbringing in the American West, the essay explores the impacts of manifest destiny, the frontier myth, belief in human exceptionalism, and several political entanglements..

In Delusion: Trump and the American Catastrophe

In Delusion: Trump and the American Catastrophe

In 2020, the USA experienced a multiple catastrophe: No other country in the world was hit so badly by the coronavirus pandemic, the economic slump was dramatic, and so was the rise in unemployment. A rift ran through society. In the streets there were protests of both camps with violent riots, authoritarian traits were evident in the actions of the leader of the nation. And all of this in the middle of the election year, when the self-centered president fought vehemently for his re-election. From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump had divided American society, incited individual sections of the population against one another, fueled racism, hatred, xenophobia and prejudice, insulted competitors and denigrated critical journalists as enemies of the people. The documentary shows how this could happen and what role the targeted disinformation of certain sections of the population through manipulative media played..



Un couple en crise part dans une villa en bord de mer prêtée par leurs amis millionnaires. Lorsqu'un violent orage éclate, ils doivent abriter un couple d'inconnus. Un climat malsain et inquiétant s'installe rapidement entre les deux couples..