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Récit du scandale qui a entouré la nomination de Clarence Thomas comme juge de la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis en 1991, suite à une plainte pour harcèlement sexuel de son ancienne collègue..

The Confirmation

The Confirmation

Agé de huit ans, Anthony n’est pas emballé à l’idée de passer le week-end chez son père Walt qu’il ne voit plus beaucoup depuis son divorce d’avec sa mère. Les retrouvailles sont d’autant plus compliquées que Walt n’a pas beaucoup de temps à lui consacrer : on vient de lui voler sa boîte à outils qui lui permet d’obtenir ses rares boulots payés. Commence alors un véritable jeu de piste pour retrouver le précieux sésame qui va permettre la naissance d’une relation père-fils inédite et salvatrice..

Anthony Locascio: Confirmation

Anthony Locascio: Confirmation

At 12 years old, every good Catholic boy has his Confirmation; the ceremony in which he receives the Holy Spirit and becomes a Catholic man. Evidently, Anthony Locascio was not a "good" Catholic boy, because he never had one..

Confirmation of My Sins

Confirmation of My Sins

There are many memories of childhood that have slipped through the cracks. Most that I can recollect were of the differences in myself in comparison to the others around. Taken away at one week of age from my Indian community and given to a white foster family, my experience of the authentic Indian and where my placement is, within this dream of authenticity, comes from an infected locale..

The Confirmation

The Confirmation

It's the big day of Mathias' confirmation, where he will confirm being a Christian and enter adulthood. Mathias is transgender and just wants to be a normal teenage boy. His mother does everything to protect him, but who is this day really about?.

Science Confirms the Bible

Science Confirms the Bible

In this popular video, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he's constantly asked by teens. Over a dozen “hot topics” are answered with the humor and intensity that has made this Australian-born educator one of the most-requested Christian speakers in America. In this fast, illustrated presentation, Ham shows again and again that real science really does confirm the Bible. Learn about DNA as evidence for the infinite God, the basics of genetics and natural selection as they relate to biblical “kinds,” the origin of so-called races, the truth about Cain's wife, evidence for the worldwide Flood, the actual time of the Ice Age, literal vs. figurative creation days, the origin of death, dating methods, and more. The Bible is true. Science confirms it, and with the help of this video, you and your teens will be better equipped to defend it!.



Eden is a coming-of-age film about a Protestant Confirmation camp on a summer’s week, set in the archipelago of Helsinki. Aliisa is the intellectually confident non-believer, Jenna is the queen bee and Panu is the scared bird. The experience of these teenagers is affected by Tiina, a young and eager priest..

Love Affairs of a Confirmed Bachelor

Love Affairs of a Confirmed Bachelor

Wang Lewu is over 35 but never had any successful romance relationships, his friends and relatives tried to introduce single females to him but none worked out in the end. Until one day, his mother introduced a young lady, Li Meijuan to him....