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A parachuting accident on a remote volcanic plateau forces a young solider to confront the torments of his past..

Crustacés et coquillages

Crustacés et coquillages

C'est l'été. Marc emmène sa famille au bord de la Méditerranée dans la maison où il passait ses vacances quand il était adolescent. Béatrix, son épouse, doit partager son temps entre sa famille et son amant exigeant, venu la rejoindre.Leur fille Laura, 19 ans, attend avec impatience l'arrivée de son petit copain motard qui l'emmènera vers d'autres rivages. Leur fils Charly reçoit Martin, son meilleur ami, dont Béatrix et Marc ne tardent pas à comprendre qu'il est homosexuel. Ils en tirent un peu rapidement des conclusions concernant les préférences sexuelles de leur fils....

Cockleshell Bay

Cockleshell Bay

Cockleshell Bay is a children's television series which was shown at lunchtime on ITV during the early 1980s. It was made by Cosgrove Hall for their parent company, the ITV broadcaster Thames Television. Other children's programmes in the same ITV time slot on the remaining four weekdays included Let's Pretend, Jamie and the Magic Torch, and Rainbow - the latter in which Cockleshell Bay began as a regular story feature. Twins Robin and Rosie Cockle were the main characters. They lived at the Bucket and Spade guest house run by their parents Helen and Christopher. Gran Routy helped out at the house. Robin and Rosies friends included Mr. Ship, Mr. Fingal and his donkey Fury, and Ben Gunn the "pirate seagull". In the later series Robin and Rosie had a baby sister called Holly..