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City of crime

City of crime

A la demande de son frère cadet, Roy Egan participe au braquage d'une grand bijouterie de Palm Springs. Le hold-up réussit. Mais, au moment du partage, un des membres du gang abat froidement ses coéquipiers, a l'exception de Roy qui parvient a s’échapper. Il n'a alors plus qu'une obsession, venger son frère..



Pour avoir été le témoin de l'étrange lien qui existe entre le groupe d'intervention des forces de police de sa ville et un gang de trafiquants, un jeune journaliste, Josh Pollack, se retrouve en première ligne. Lâché par son patron, menacé par ceux dont il veut révéler le secret, il va devoir enquêter, et survivre….

City of Angels | City of Death

City of Angels | City of Death

Documents the chilling 1970s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles with first-hand accounts from the detectives who tracked down the Freeway Killer, Hillside Strangler and Sunset Strip Killer, bringing justice for the victims and survivors.

Manhattan Lockdown

Manhattan Lockdown

Une course-poursuite infernale pour appréhender deux tueurs de flics à New York. L’inspecteur Davis est prêt à tout pour les coincer, d’autant qu’une gigantesque machination se dessine derrière leurs agissements. Pour les piéger, il va complètement isoler l’île de Manhattan, fermant l’ensemble de ses ponts, dans une spectaculaire opération… La traque peut commencer..



Enemies since back in the day, two homeboys take a different path in life. College bound Daryll, desperate to keep a roof over his family's head and seduced by the money, power and respect of the hustler lifestyle moves in on his old nemesis' turf setting off a battle over territory in a war that rages throughout the inner city..

Circle of Crime

Circle of Crime

One man's desperation to save his dying wife sparks a chain of tragedies in the dark crime thriller Circle of Crime. The film offers a complex story that first depicts several seemingly unconnected incidents: the escape of a serial killer, a man being chased by loan sharks after taking the money to save his wife's life, a taxi driver's hit-and-run and a woman's suicide attempt. As the plot unfolds, the connection between these incidents begins to become clear..

Crimes of the future

Crimes of the future

Through conversations with an array of Norwegian writers, filmmakers, psychiatrists, artists and more, Izquierdo investigates the impact of both the film and novel Sult by Knut Hamsun on generations of Norwegian culture and artistic practice, while exploring how it could speak about what it means to be an artist today..