

Comment trouver Black sea gratuit

Black sea

Black sea

Récemment renvoyé par sa société, un capitaine de sous-marin est embauché pour trouver un trésor gisant au fond de la mer..

The Black Sea

The Black Sea

Year 1944. Shortly before the start of the Crimean Offensive, the ships of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Naval Flotilla are in serious danger: German underwater commandos are preparing a large-scale operation to destroy the main combat units of the Soviet fleet in ports and roads. Aware of the seriousness of the threat, the Soviet command is developing an operation to detect and destroy the main base of the German underwater saboteurs..

Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl

Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl

En 1934, la plus grosse perle noire du monde disparaît. Des années plus tard, Gohei, un ancien combattant mourant, prétend savoir où se trouve le joyau convoité. Avec son dernier souffle, il prononce les mots « empreinte de chatte » à sa femme Matsuko – et le mystère est ouvert ! Incapable de percer le mystère seul, Matsuko demande l'aide du détective de renommée mondiale, Ippei, pour déchiffrer le message crypté et retrouver la perle noire. Cependant, lorsque l'enquête s'avère trop compliquée à gérer, même pour le talentueux Ippei, le célèbre écrivain mystérieux Seicho Matsuki s'en mêle. La recherche se transforme en un tout pour tous alors que chaque partie jette son dévolu sur la légendaire perle noire. Qui la trouvera en premier ?.

The Black Sea

The Black Sea

Khalid, a charismatic big dreamer from Brooklyn, with no follow-thru gets stuck in a small town on the Black Sea after chasing an opportunity for money that goes wrong. Being the only black guy in the town, he quickly becomes the center of the town’s attention. His New York City street bop is all he has to survive. In his pursuit to get home he finds connection in a way he never expected with a local woman. Together they make their small dreams big..

Expedition: Black Sea Wrecks

Expedition: Black Sea Wrecks

A team of international scientists make ground-breaking discoveries in the Black Sea - a treasure trove of ancient shipwrecks that date back 2500 years to the Greek and Roman empires, and the most complete Roman wreck ever seen..

Black Sea Raid

Black Sea Raid

Renegade CIA agent Rick Halsey assembles a team of special forces operatives to rescue a Russian nuclear scientist held in a fortified mental institution behind enemy lines..

Blue Danube, Black Sea

Blue Danube, Black Sea

Romantic river banks and unspoilt nature - wherever the Danube flows these types of landscapes dominate. This comprehensive cinematic portrait of Europe's second longest river presents numerous scenes of heavenly beauty along the banks of the Danube, as well as the tension between humans and nature and civilisation and wilderness..

Black Sapphire Sea

Black Sapphire Sea

In the Spring of 2013 three American surfers traveled to São Miguel Island, one of the nine islands of the Azores, to surf and explore. Here is what they found..

Black Sea Files

Black Sea Files

Black Sea Files is a territorial research on the Caspian oil geography: the world’s oldest oil extraction zone. A giant new subterranean pipeline traversing the Caucasus will soon pump Caspian Crude to the West. The line connecting the resource fringe with the terminal of the global high-tech oil circulation system, runs through the video like a central thread. However, the trajectory followed by the narrative is by no means a linear one. Circumventing the main players in the region, the video sheds light on a multitude of secondary sceneries. Oil workers, farmers, refugees and prostitutes who live along the pipeline come into profile and contribute to a wider human geography that displaces the singular and powerful signifying practices of oil corporations and oil politicians..

The Black Sea

The Black Sea

Five friends go to a beach house on the Oregon coast for the weekend. Allison is clearly troubled by something but the others don't say a word or intervene. And then she vanishes..

Les tristes : une odyssée en mer Noire

Les tristes : une odyssée en mer Noire

Sur les pas d'Ovide et du recueil de poèmes qu'il écrivit en exil, Stanislaw Mucha entreprend un périple impressionniste autour de la mer Noire, de l'Ukraine à la Roumanie. Entre bonheurs tranquilles et décrépitude, échos de guerre et réminiscences antiques, ruines du communisme et boursouflures du capitalisme, un voyage humaniste teinté d'absurde et de mélancolie..