

Comment trouver Black Box gratuit

Black Box

Black Box

Ensign João Viegas was arrested and sent to fight in the Guinea War during the Salazar dictatorship in Portugal for protesting the regime through theater. Viegas was part of the direction of the Círculo de Iniciação Teatral da Academia de Coimbra (CITAC), an experimental theater group, during a time when the International Police and State Defense (PIDE) had no qualms about censoring anyone who tried to oppose Salazar's regime. After his arrest, the PIDE banned the CITAC. The group only resumed operations after the Carnation Revolution. Decades later, Viegas returned to CITAC to reveal stories of the war and show how PIDE operated. In this re-encounter with History, which the short film “Caixa Preta” reveals, we discover Viegas’ motivations and thinking..

Black Box

Black Box

The heroine, tormented by insomnia, accepts the help of the unconscious part of her personality. She falls asleep and meets the feelings that overwhelm her in order to unravel the invisible threads of childhood trauma..

Power Rangers Super Samurai: The Super Powered Black Box Volume 1

Power Rangers Super Samurai: The Super Powered Black Box Volume 1

oin the Samurai Rangers when their ongoing conflict with Master Xandred reaches epic proportions as he sends more dangerous Nighlok monsters to finish the Samurai once and for all. It's up to Mentor Ji and Gold Ranger Antonio to uncover the secrets of a legendary black box that will morph the Rangers into SUPER SAMURAI! By combining their extraordinary power symbols and Megazords to create new and incredible combinations, the Samurai become better and stronger. But will that be enough when a new villain surfaces, determined to defeat the Rangers once and for all? Includes 4 Megazord-powered adventures!.

La Boîte noire

La Boîte noire

Quatorze ans après la Commune de Paris, un jeune provincial se confronte à d'anciens insurgés en leur présentant un appareil novateur qui fait resurgir violemment les fantômes du passé..

Syrie : la boîte noire du conflit

Syrie : la boîte noire du conflit

En près de dix ans, le conflit syrien a causé la mort de centaines de milliers de personnes et jeté dans l’exil quelque 12 millions de réfugiés civils. Comment les manifestations pacifiques de 2011, déclenchées par l’onde de choc contagieuse du printemps arabe pour réclamer un renouveau politique, ont-elles abouti à la pire catastrophe humanitaire du XXIe siècle ?.

Ghost Cut: Some Clear Pixels Amongst Many Black Boxes

Ghost Cut: Some Clear Pixels Amongst Many Black Boxes

This is a project where I attempt to understand the complexity of remote gig platform work from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and focuses on an intentionally hidden and opaque space of labour and platform politics. The research – which spanned over two years – asks questions about postcolonial techno-realities, to the invisibility of precarious labour, to infusing individual experiences into conversations around globalised interconnected algorithmic governance, and finding concrete situations where we can witness what this looks like..

Black Box

Black Box

After running away from home in his youth, Túlio has grown adrift from his family. 40 years later he has to come home one last time to bury his parents and his brother and claim what now is his..

The Black Box

The Black Box

Cuban filmmaker Enrique "Kiki" Álvarez's newest feature paints a slow-burning love story set in the years immediately following the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959. The Black Box is a secret diary written by Elsa and read by her granddaughter several decades later, a film about a young woman who finds and reads the experiential, emotional and political legacy that her grandmother has left hidden like a magical object. Featuring rare footage from the beginning of the Cuban Revolution..



Vastly different people collide as a mysterious black box shows the owner what he most desires, but payback comes in the form of an immortal assassin..



Tum, une timide jeune femme de 25 ans, travaille comme secrétaire à Bangkok. Un matin, elle trouve devant sa porte une boîte de nouilles instantanées qui contient un million de baths. Elle décide de garder l'argent, mais les ennuis commencent. Depassée par les évènements, Tum est entrainée dans une spirale infernale, absurde et sanglante..

Black Dragon

Black Dragon

Three brothers return to Hong Kong for a family reunion only to find their father murdered by the Black Dragon Gang. They work with the police to bring down the syndicate by going undercover..