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Bird Boy

Bird Boy

When 12-year-old Reshat looks around him, he sees the oil fields of Azerbaijan. When he looks up dreamily, he sees pigeons flying to heaven. He misses his father, who died a year ago, and who also loved these birds. Reshat cautiously approaches the best pigeon keeper in the village. Will he teach him to train pigeons? His father taught him that he should be kind to birds, because souls fly to heaven on their wings. While Reshat is learning all about pigeons, he discovers what he really wants. Part of the "Kids on the Silk Road" documentary project..

Bird Boy

Bird Boy

Gabriel is installed next to a tree in a noble neighborhood of the city of São Paulo. Clarisse accompanies astonished and inert the treatment given to Gabriel, at the same time that leads a stagnant life and dependent of the mother..

Kushkash-ool. Bird boy

Kushkash-ool. Bird boy

About ten years ago Sean Quirk, being a student at the College of Music in Chicago, heard for the first time in his hometown of Milwaukee the audio recording of the group "Hung-Hurtuu" - the world famous performers of Tuvan throat singing. And the life of Sean Patrick has changed dramatically. He moved to the capital of Tuva, the city of Kyzyl, married the Tuvinka Svetlana Sunduy, they had three children. Sean became Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva, soloist of the National Orchestra of the Republic of Tuva, participant and manager of the folklore group "Alash", nominees at the Grammy in the field of World music. He received land as a gift from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the suburb of Kyzyl and began to build his house..

The Little Bird Boy

The Little Bird Boy

With his father in jail, probably for smuggling alcohol across the barbed-wire border, Behruz and his family are destitute. His love of birds and talent for imitating their songs land him the unhappy job of helping to capture them for a local bird merchant. He meets a girl his own age whose mother comes to Iran to sell clothes, but they leave before he has a chance to say goodbye. Qanbari sticks to images and the children’s plaintive faces, old before their time, to tell his story almost without words. Their delicate emotions are echoed in a local bridegroom’s illegal crossing into Azerbaijan for his own wedding..

Boy Eating the Bird's Food

Boy Eating the Bird's Food

The astonishing debut feature from Greek filmmaker Ektoras Lygizos updates Knut Hamsun's classic 1890 novel Hunger to the modern day, as it follows an alienated young man desperately trying to survive on the streets of Athens..

The Painted Bird

The Painted Bird

À l’aube de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un jeune garçon abandonné erre dans une Europe de l’Est dévastée. Témoin des pires atrocités ou subissant lui-même de terribles persécutions, il devra se battre pour survivre et espérer..

Little Bird

Little Bird

A dix ans, Jojo en sait déjà long sur la dureté de la vie. Son père l'élève seul. Et en silence. Ce veilleur de nuit taciturne essaie, mais y parvient-il ?, de cacher sa dépression à son fils. La mère ? Elle est chanteuse de country. Elle a laissé des disques qu'aime écouter Jojo. Elle serait partie travailler aux Etats-Unis. Mais est-ce bien vrai ? Jojo l'appelle. Elle répond. Elle reste toujours évasive. Un jour, Jojo recueille un petit choucas tombé d'un nid. Jojo a trouvé plus petit et vulnérable que lui. Il entreprend de le sauver de la mort et même de lui apprendre à voler. Ce faisant, il reprend pied dans sa vie et trouve la force d'affronter la vérité....