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As High as the Sky

As High as the Sky

Margaret’s OCD is in overdrive thanks to being jilted by her fiancé. She’s forced to explore the root of this behavior when her estranged sister and niece show up on her doorstep..

Like Land and Sky

Like Land and Sky

Like Land And Sky is a 2007 South Korean television series starring Park Hae-jin, Han Hyo-joo, Lee Joo-hyun, Kang Jung-hwa, and Hong Soo-ah. It aired on KBS1 from January 15 to August 31, 2007 on Mondays to Fridays at 20:25 for 165 episodes. The daily drama was a hit, maintaining an average viewership rating of 30% throughout its nine-month run. Its peak viewership rating of 36.1% made it the third highest-rated Korean drama of 2007..

Sky High

Sky High

Sky High is a live-action, supernatural Japanese television drama series, starring actress and model, Yumiko Shaku. It aired in Japan, first run, from 2003 to 2004, and was popular enough to spawn the 2003 feature film of the same name. Both are based on the Japanese manga, Skyhigh. Shaku stars as Izuko, the Guardian of the Gate to the afterlife. The basic premise of the television series is somewhat similar in concept to the American series, Ghost Whisperer, in which the protagonist must use her powers to guide the dead on their journey to the afterlife by helping them determine the meaning or circumstance of their death. However, in Izuko's case, no matter how hard she tries, her guidance does not always result in a happy ending..

Sky High

Sky High

Ángel rencontre Estrella dans une boîte de nuit. Après une dispute avec Poli, le petit ami possessif de la jeune femme, cette dernière comprend qu'Ángel a le don de s’attirer des ennuis mais surtout de s'en sortir. Pour cette raison, elle l'encourage à rejoindre des voleurs surveillés par la police madrilène. Ángel gravit les échelons de son nouveau milieu très rapidement. Plus dure sera la chute car l'inspecteur Duque souhaite mettre un terme à la carrière de malfrat du jeune homme..



Des meurtres étranges sont perpétrés sur des jeunes filles qui sont retrouvées mortes, le coeur arraché. L'inspecteur Kanzaki qui est chargé de l'enquête voit sa fiancée mourir sous ses yeux pendant la cérémonie de mariage, le coeur arraché. Mina, la marié, se retrouve alors devant la porte qui sépare le monde des morts de celui des vivant, où Izuko, la gardienne de la porte, lui propose trois choix : tout oublier et se rendre au paradis avant de se réincarner, ne pas accepter sa mort et hanter le monde des vivants, ou alors retourner sur terre afin de se venger et ainsi tuer la personne qui l'a assassinée mais finir en enfer le reste de l'éternité..

HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Sky

HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Sky

Les membres du gang SWORD ont gagné contre les Wangan Rengogun, mené par Kohaku et le calme revient dans la ville. Cependant, les gangs les plus violents font leur apparition. Il s'agit cette fois des Doubt, mené par Hayashi Ranmaru et Prison Gang, mené par Jeshi. Leur but est simple et clair : occuper le territoire des SWORD..

High is the Sky

High is the Sky

Sick and tired of living in poverty in post-war Germany, Fred Bogner has left his wife Käte with their three children. They continue to meet on a casual basis every time Fred can find money enough to book a hotel room. Based on the German novel 'Und sagte kein einziges Wort' by Heinrich Böll..

High Sky Summer

High Sky Summer

The peace of summer life in a village in south-western China is disrupted by the arrival of a film crew which is seeking someone to play the lead in their film. Twelve-year-old Shouxian is excited by the goings-on and constantly hangs around the filmmakers. When he finds out that they're looking for a boy just his age to play the lead, he willingly does all he can to get the part..

American Force 3: High Sky Mission

American Force 3: High Sky Mission

Fighting from the air or in the deepest jungle, the enemy must be crushed. A group of deadly American commandos led by Colonel Cobra during the Japanese occupation of the Philippine's in World War II. Some of the locals are collaborating with the enemy, so the Americans must tackle rebels, suicide attacks and booby traps as they carve their path through the jungle in search of the Japanese..