

Comment trouver Antony and Cleopatra gratuit

Antoine et Cléopâtre

Antoine et Cléopâtre

Quatre ans aprés l'assassinat de Jules César, trois hommes se partagent le pouvoir à Rome, Marc Antoine, Octave et Lépide. Pendant une expédition militaire, Marc Antoine s'est épris de Cléopâtre, la belle reine d'Egypte. Il en oublie tous ses devoirs....

Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra

After the murder of her lover Caesar, Egypt's queen Cleopatra needs a new ally. She seduces his probable successor Mark Antony. This develops into real love and slowly leads to a war with the other possible successor - Octavius..

Octavian, Antony and Cleopatra

Octavian, Antony and Cleopatra

After Caesar, Antony and Octavian divided the empire for a time. But there could only be one successor to Caesar. Ten years later, the supreme strategist Octavian waged a critical naval battle, the Battle of Actium, against his former ally, Antony, who now had the backing of Cleopatra..

Antony and Cleopatra - Live at Shakespeare's Globe

Antony and Cleopatra - Live at Shakespeare's Globe

Cleopatra, the alluring and fascinatingly ambiguous Queen of Egypt, has bewitched the great Mark Antony, soldier, campaigner and now one of the three rulers of the Roman Empire. When Antony quarrels with his fellow leaders and throws in his lot with Cleopatra, his infatuation threatens to split the Empire in two..

Marc Antony and Cleopatra

Marc Antony and Cleopatra

Based loosely on Shakespeare's play, Plutarch's "Life of Antony", and Pietro Cossa's dramatic poem, "Cleopatra", this movie was spectacular for its time. It offers location shots made in Italy and Egypt, large crowd scenes (e.g., the Roman army embarking in Alexandria), lots of emotional drama (Marc Antony & Cleopatra, his wife Octavia, sister of Antony's rival Octavian, unhistorically coming to Alexandria to beg him to return to her, and some mean, mean looks exchanged between Octavia and Cleopatra..