

Comment trouver All Men Are Brothers gratuit

All Men Are Brothers

All Men Are Brothers

Toward the end of Northern Song Dynasty, the government was deeply corrupted. The oppressed people finally rebelled. A hundred and eight men and women fought against the government and took their last stand in a place called Liangshan..

All Men Are Brothers

All Men Are Brothers

All Men Are Brothers est la suite directe de The Water Margin. Les “108 Bandits” poursuivent leur lutte contre le pouvoir corrompu. Leurs aventures les conduiront notamment à infiltrer une ville fortifiée et à attaquer une forteresse à flanc de mer….

The Legend of All Men Are Brothers

The Legend of All Men Are Brothers

A reworking of the classic Chinese novel "All men are brothers"; Lin Chung (Roc Tien), a loyal general, who falls prey to a plot that exiles him and leaves his wife dead. But thanks to a good hearted brigand-monk, justice is served and the conspiracy upended... Fantastic Action, and the addition of a hideous demon creature, makes this one of the most original Kung Fu films of the 80's.

All Men Become Brothers

All Men Become Brothers

A film about the phenomenon of Alexander Dubček, a Czechoslovak politician, one of the most prominent personalities of the Prague Spring of 1968, author of the concept of “socialism with a human face”..

Pattaya Heat

Pattaya Heat

Thot, the killer of the gang, was released from prison. Then came back to work in a pizza shop with his brother Singha. Fah, his brother's wife, had a strong impression of Thot but got rejected by Thot. Even if Singha raised him but he doesn't like Thot at all. Sergeant Chai, a police officer nearing retirement, loses a bet at a casino. Unwilling to sell the golden revolver that he left to Simon, the owner of the casino. But Simon returned the golden revolver to Sergeant Chai because he wanted Sergeant Chai to help him transport gold from Bangkok to Pattaya..