

Comment trouver Agora gratuit



IVe siècle après Jésus-Christ. L’Égypte est sous domination romaine. À Alexandrie, la révolte des Chrétiens gronde. Réfugiée dans la grande Bibliothèque, désormais menacée par la colère des insurgés, la brillante astronome Hypatie tente de préserver les connaissances accumulées depuis des siècles, avec l'aide de ses disciples. Parmi eux, deux hommes se disputent l'amour d'Hypatie : Oreste et le jeune esclave Davus, déchiré entre ses sentiments et la perspective d'être affranchi s'il accepte de rejoindre les Chrétiens, de plus en plus puissants….



Following a tragic event, Allegra has locked themself away from the outside world. After a friend gives them a mysterious box, Allegra is haunted by pain they can no longer numb - and by something else lurking in the darkness. Allegra is forced to learn that despite their best efforts, we are never completely alone..



Dans une ville isolée, les personnes disparues reviennent après de nombreuses années. Le mystère et la peur s'installent, et tout le monde essaie de comprendre le phénomène alors que les tensions montent dans l'air..



Dans une cité, des jeunes issus de milieux très différents se rencontrent pour parler politique. Parmi eux, Anass ne se sent d'abord pas concerné..



Melvin, a flora-enthusiast, has Agoraphobia. He finds solace only in his house plants, but when he receives an enticing flier about the flower of the month, he is forced to venture outside in hopes of snagging the ultimate plant..



Between February and March 2020, the Class Narratives Project taught the LGBT Short Film Production Workshop - CRD - Center for Reference and Defense of Diversity. As a final activity of the workshop, the participants signed up for groups and were challenged to create a film based on the visual and sound material collected during the meetings..



"Somewhere between the bottom and the top, is the reason why we climb." "Agora" is a poetic docufiction about the physical and mental journey of climber, Lucas Lima, who tests his determination on a difficult awakening ascent, coexisting with nature..



The video tape, Agora, focuses on the market place (as a microcosm of the larger society) seen through the eyes of a young, gay man suffering from both the neurosis described above, and the oppressive circumstances of small town life in the American Midwest. The tape opens with an idyllic representation of the Midwest and shifts into an expressive exploration of experiences within the narrow confines of a Midwestern moral code. The melodrama follows five main characters who find themselves together in a small motel; Crab, an agoraphobe, is employed as a clerk in the motel and lives at home with his family; Swallow, a recently escaped con and his lover, Jack; Katch, a woman dishonorably discharged from the military and her lover, Joy. The market place is a central focus for all the main charaters; as a place of potential employment, a site of crisis in representation, the public arena where the status quo is policed and, ultimately, a closed barrier whereby the "norm" is protected..



Une agoraphobe hérite de la maison de son père, située dans une partie reculée de l'archipel des Keys en Floride. Quand des choses étranges arrivent, elle découvre qu'il y a quelque chose de bien plus terrifiant coincé dans la maison avec elle..

Agora É Tarde

Agora É Tarde

Agora é Tarde is a Brazilian late-night talk show produced by Eyeworks and broadcast by Rede Bandeirantes since 2011. The show is hosted by Danilo Gentili and is the second most successful show by Bandeirantes..

Agora II : Enchainés

Agora II : Enchainés

Écrasée depuis la crise financière de 2009 par une dette colossale (170 % de son produit intérieur brut), la Grèce est exsangue. Pour rester dans la zone euro, le pays a dû mettre en place un plan d’austérité sans précédent. Quand, en janvier 2015, la coalition de gauche radicale Syriza gagne les élections législatives, un immense espoir se lève parmi la population. Nouveau chef du gouvernement, Alexis Tsipras confie à Yanis Varoufakis, son ministre des Finances, la conduite à Bruxelles des délicates négociations sur la poursuite des réformes exigées par la troïka (Banque centrale européenne, Commission européenne et Fonds monétaire international). L’heure est grave : si un compromis n’est pas trouvé, la Grèce sera déclarée en faillite..

Agora é Que São Elas

Agora é Que São Elas

The synopsis was loosely inspired by an argument by Paulo José called Cidade das Formigas. It was based on what happened in the city of Formiga, in Minas Gerais, where women work for large clothing manufacturers in the country. In Formiga Real, women guarantee a large part of their families' livelihood with this work..

If I Close My Eyes Now

If I Close My Eyes Now

In a quiet town, two boys find a woman's mutilated body. After becoming suspects at first and realizing there is a mystery behind that murder, they decide to investigate the case with the help of an enigmatic old man. When a vertiginous spiral of violence is triggered, conspiracy begins to emerge and the boys must discover the truth as soon as possible in order not to become the next victims..

Agora: From Democracy to the Market

Agora: From Democracy to the Market

As going through an economic vortex, Greece is experiencing condition in post-war history. Homeless people, unemployment, poverty, violent conflicts and the rise of the extreme-right are found all over the county. Is there any possible way to break through the crisis? This film follows development of the crisis and its impact on people’s lives, as well as rise of fascism, while seeking answers from interested parties..



An old and experienced detective starts to suspect his younger and smarter partner after learning about his troubling and traumatic past. The rising tension gets worse as the two are stuck in an interrogation room with a murder case filled with twists and turns..