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A Memory of Lies

A Memory of Lies

Sara Ballard, jeune femme sujette à de fortes crises d'agoraphobie, est contrainte de rester chez elle constamment. Ses angoisses s'accentuent lorsque son mari disparait. Sa sœur et son psychiatre tentent alors de lui venir en aide, mais à qui peut-elle vraiment faire confiance ?.

Mémoires vives

Mémoires vives

Depuis leur divorce il y a 29 ans, Jacques Berthier et Francine Blanchard se sont peu vus. Ils se revoient aujourd’hui, au moment où Jacques reçoit un insigne d’honneur pour souligner son travail à la fondation Mémoires vives, un organisme extrêmement dynamique venant en aide aux proches de personnes disparues, dont ils sont les fondateurs. Malgré leurs différences, Jacques et Francine sont unis par un drame commun, celui de la disparition de leur petite fille, Laurie, il y a 30 ans. Bien que Jacques n’ait jamais perdu espoir de retrouver Laurie un jour, Francine vit cette disparition différemment. Aurait-elle quelque chose à cacher? La deuxième femme de Jacques, Claire Hamelin, porte elle aussi un secret émouvant qui va bientôt éclater au grand jour. Depuis trois ans, Claire habite seule dans la maison familiale de Saint-Hilaire où Jacques et elle, très épris l’un de l’autre, ont élevé leurs deux filles, Flavie et Mathilde. Cette passion s’est émoussée au fil du temps, mais a tissé des liens indélébiles entre eux deux. Claire, radio-oncologue réputée, très impliquée émotivement auprès de ses patients atteints du cancer, est enfin prête à ouvrir son cœur à un nouvel amoureux. Christian Landrie a quitté la grande ville pour s’installer à Havre-Saint-Pierre, à la suite de la disparition de sa femme, Sylvie. Leur fils adolescent, Clovis, n’avait que 3 ans quand sa mère a disparu. Depuis le jour du drame, Christian a coupé les ponts avec son frère et sa belle-famille et ne désire qu’une seule chose : tourner la page. Mais le besoin de Clovis de renouer avec ses racines va bouleverser la donne. Mémoires vives, c’est l’histoire de familles hantées malgré elles par un passé toujours vivant. Mais dont les personnages, engagés dans une quête inspirante de vérité, trouveront au détour un bonheur qu’ils n’attendaient plus..

Re:ZERO –Starting Life in Another World– Memory Snow

Re:ZERO –Starting Life in Another World– Memory Snow

Ce premier OAV a été annoncé lors de l'évent MF Bunko J Summer School Festival 2017. Il s'agit de l'adaptation du chapitre sur la Mayonnaise. On retrouve Subaru et ses compagnons qui organise un festival de neige. Le froid causé par l'excès de mana de Puck devient insupportable. Et pour y remédier Subaru lance l'idée du festival de neige où les villagois créent des oeuvres avec la neige est dont le gagnant reçoit une magnifique récompense..

Still Life of Memories

Still Life of Memories

Haruma est un photographe prometteur qui bénéficie d'une exposition complète dans une galerie de photos de Tokyo. Rei, une belle conservatrice d'un musée d'art de la préfecture de Yamanashi, est fascinée par son travail et l'appelle pour lui demander une séance photo avec une partie intime d'elle-même comme sujet. Les seules règles de ce shooting sont qu'aucune question ne doit être posée et Rei recevra les négatifs. D'abord surpris, Haruma accepte finalement le travail. Cependant, Natsumi, la petite amie enceinte de Haruma, devient frustrée d'être tenue dans l'ignorance de leur travail et sa jalousie se développe à mesure que les passions explosent dans leur relation..

Vivre sans souvenirs

Vivre sans souvenirs

Entre suivi thérapeutique, intimité familiale et engagement associatif, l’émouvant portrait d’un trentenaire condamné à vivre dans l’instant présent, un traumatisme cérébral l’ayant privé de sa capacité à stocker les souvenirs..

Library Wars: Book Of Memories

Library Wars: Book Of Memories

Iku (Nana Eikura) joined the Library Defense Force after a member from that team retrieved an important book that was targeted for censorship. She is assigned to work under Atsushi’s (Junichi Okada) team. She endures Atsushi's harsh treatment and looks for the member who retrieved her book. She also finds herself becoming attracted to Atsushi. Iku meets female high school student Marie (Tao Tsuchiya) at the library. Maries has a hearing disability. She is also a childhood friend of Mikihisa (Kei Tanaka). Iku senses Marie’s strong feelings for Mikihisa. Asako (Chiaki Kuriyama) works as a clerk for the Library Task Force. She has frequent meetings with curator Shuji (Aoi Nakamura). This creates complicated feelings for Hikaru (Sota Fukushi). One day, Mikihisa is arrested because of a book he recommended to Marie. Official reason given is because the book is unsuitable for disabled people. The members of the Library Task Force are angered by Mikihisa's arrest..

Po-lin. Shards of Memory

Po-lin. Shards of Memory

Unique archives show a world that no longer exists: pre-war Poland in which two cultures: Jewish and Polish, coexisted wall-in-wall; cottage in a cottage; town next to town. "Po-lin" - meaning "we will stop here" in Yiddish - does not deny the painful past. It only shows that there was something more next to them. Worth remembering and - perhaps - reconstruction..

Living with

Living with "Memories"

A depiction of everyday life at the House of Sharing, and document of the testimonies of women who were taken as "comfort women" by the Japanese Army during the war. The second part is about Kang Deok-yeong, who depicted her experiences during the war through painting..

Lingering Memories

Lingering Memories

One summer day, Tokiko, whose life in Tokyo is going nowhere fast, gets on an overnight bus to the countryside. When she arrives, she meets Yohei, a high school student struggling to deal with the sudden death of a young man who was like a big brother to him..

Ines, Memories of a Lifetime

Ines, Memories of a Lifetime

When Ines died, she left a very particular legacy, 10 books that read 'For my children'; it was the story of her life. Marked by a youth idyllic love, Ines was forced to marry a violent and womanizer man with whom she had 20 children. In the 50s, she managed to get divorce and 20 years after her death, Luisa, great-granddaughter of INES, reads, rescues and makes visible her history..

Crying Freeman 6 - La filière russe

Crying Freeman 6 - La filière russe

CRYING FREEMAN: FINAL CHAPTER -- THE GUIDING LIGHT OF MEMORY (1993) is the sixth and last volume in the OAV series of Japanese anime adaptations of the "Crying Freeman" manga. A hard-hitting tale of violent criminals engaged in a brutal turf war, it is easily the best-written and most stylishly directed since the first in the series (PORTRAIT OF A KILLER). This one tells the story of a young Japanese Yakuza who takes over the Russian supply of drugs and weapons to Japan and cuts out the involvement of the Hong Kong-based 108 Dragons. Freeman, the hitman of the title and the 108 Dragons' star player, goes to Japan to investigate and gets framed for a succession of assassinations of top Yakuza bosses. The chief enemy here, Tsunaike, is aided by an icily sexy Arctic hit lady, Tanya (described as "Eskimo" in the subtitles, although she looks more Siberian), who is frequently seen in the nude in regular trysts with Tsunaike..

Tokimeki Memorial Super Live

Tokimeki Memorial Super Live

This is the DVD edition of the Tokimeki Memorial Super Live held at Zepp Tokyo on October 26, 2002. From "Tokimeki Memorial" to "Tokimeki Memorial 3: In That Place of Promise", the live performances that responded to the passionate voices of the fans has now been immortalized..

Blue Light - Memories from a Paramedic

Blue Light - Memories from a Paramedic

With the same intensity with which the flashing blue light illuminates its surroundings, fatal experiences are burned into the memory of an ambulance paramedic. The traumatic dimension of carrying out a profession that is essential for society is brought closer by the documentary confession of a man who sometimes unfortunately cannot save the lives of others..

Light Memories of Rio

Light Memories of Rio

Examines the history of photography in Brazil, dating from 1839, and simultaneously traces the history of the development of Rio de Janeiro as one of the world's major cities and a political and cultural center of Brazil..

Living Memories 2

Living Memories 2

Continuation of the movie almanac based on the memoirs about the country. A large-scale media project at the junction of a one-man show, animation and a documentary series. Each episode is an excerpt from a book of memories read by a famous artist. The video sequence was created by leading animation artists, and the music was written by a modern composer. The film is a journey through the pages of Russia's past, which comes to life thanks to sincere and personal testimonies. The heroes of the project are both prominent and not very well–known figures of Russian culture, art and history: writers, composers, artists, public figures and ordinary people..

Limited Time Memory

Limited Time Memory

The film tells the story of a bizarre murder case in Taigu County during the Ming Dynasty, where constable Du Xing follows the trail and finds Lu Xuan, whose memory only lasts for one hour, and uncovers a hatred between Lu Xuan and Wei Hu, a wealthy local businessman, for killing his wife. As Du Xing digs deeper into the case, the love between Lu Xuan and his late wife Liu Yue two years ago emerges, and Lu Xuan's identity becomes confusing..

Bunin, Living Memories Cycle

Bunin, Living Memories Cycle

From the memoirs of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - a writer and poet who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933 - with the wording "for the strict skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose." In this series, we learn under what circumstances Bunin learned that he received the highest award in the field of art, how he felt about this event and what he thought about in those days..

Marina Storkh, Living Memories

Marina Storkh, Living Memories

From the memoirs of Marina Gustavovna Storkh, the daughter of the Russian philosopher, polymath and thinker Gustav Shpet, who was shot in 1937. A tragic story connected with the founders and the last years of the famous Alferov Gymnasium in Moscow, where the daughters of Chaliapin, Polenov, Nesterov studied….