

Comment regarder iPsycho sur Netflix gratuitement



Cat Vicious est un DJ jock shock shock, à la personnalité nihiliste, qui passe l'essentiel de son émission à se moquer et à rabaisser ses auditeurs. Mais quand un appelant mystérieux pirate sa fréquence, les choses se compliquent, car Cat réalise finalement que sa radio bien-aimée pourrait bientôt devenir sa tombe. Peut-elle survivre à la nuit ou sera-ce sa dernière émission ?.



Cat Vicious is a rising shock jock podcast DJ, with a nihilistic on air personality, who spends most of her show mocking and belittling her listeners. But when a mysterious caller pirates her frequency, things take a turn for the terrifying as Cat ultimately realizes that her beloved radio station might soon become her tomb. Can she survive the night or will this be her last broadcast?.

iPsycho II

iPsycho II

After a decade of verbally abusing his guests and spreading messages of hate and intolerance by way of his talk show - Beckford's Right, Stanton Beckford is about to receive an unscheduled call from a very dangerous viewer, the iPsycho. Seizing control of Beckford's car, the tech-savy mad man takes this conservative right winger on a ride to hell and back in an effort to make him see the error of his ways... But will he or will he fall victim to the killer's growing list of lost causes?.