

Comment regarder Words of Love sur Netflix gratuitement

A Love of No Words

A Love of No Words

Rewind to the 1980s and female singer Chu Sa-kiu raises her twin daughters in Lau Fau Shan by herself. Regrettably, the grown-up twin sisters then turn against each other because of their lovers. Sa-wah runs away from home, and Sa-sa dies during childbirth. Sa-kiu has since taken up the important role as her granddaughter Kwan-ho’s carer. She has also fostered a little dumb boy called Man Chor. Time flies and Kwan-ho’s father Chuk Chin fai’s appearance causes Sa-kiu, Sa-wah and Kwan-ho’s relationship across three generations to again get entangled in the realm of ambivalence. Because of fate, Man Chor , Kwan-ho and fresh-faced and competent Szeto Lai-shun become buddies, resulting in a happy sibling relationship gradually becoming incestuous. And they face a conundrum as they also get involved in an abusive triangular relationship. They resort to making sacrifices and selfless contributions to let their beloved find happiness..

Words of Love

Words of Love

2 February 1959. The Winter Dance party, Clear Lake, Iowa - another date on Buddy Holly's whistle-stop tour. Across the Atlantic, a schoolboy models his life on the rock 'n' roll star whose music and untimely death affected the lives of a generation..

Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

Ce documentaire raconte la romance entre Leonard Cohen et sa muse norvégienne, Marianne Ihlen, sur l'île d'Hydra, et leur relation sinueuse, impossible. À la mort de Marianne à l'âge de 81 ans, le 29 juillet 2016 en Norvège, Leonard Cohen lui avait écrit une lettre poignante : "Marianne, le temps où nous sommes si vieux et où nos corps s'effondrent est venu, et je pense que je vais te suivre très bientôt", écrivait-il. Le poète s'est éteint le 7 novembre 2016, à 82 ans, après avoir livré un dernier album magnifique, You want it darker..

My Words, My Lies - My Love

My Words, My Lies - My Love

David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life..

Words of Love

Words of Love

John leaves for Barcelona in search of Cristina, who two years ago went to the city. On arrival he is hosted in a cousin's house and there he meets Monica that falls madly in love with him. When he finally finds Cristina, things do not happen as he expected, the time and the city have changed her and she is not sure to continue the relationship. Meanwhile, Monica tries unsuccessfully to call the attention of John..

Love Is More Than a Word

Love Is More Than a Word

Gu She is a cold, intelligent, and well-educated lawyer. He starts out with indifferent feelings towards the new magistrate Tao Mo in town but through solving many cases together, they gradually develop feelings. What he doesn’t know: the new magistrate is illiterate, and his post was bought through money. Described as naive and well-meaning, he only likes to stare at pretty boys. Throughout their journey, he also unveils secrets behind his father’s death. A love triangle is formed when his old lover Emperor Wen of Chen appears half-way into the story..

Suddenly This Summer

Suddenly This Summer

He Luo is a quiet and smart model student who excels in English and dreams of becoming a diplomat. Besides, she has a special hobby: She loves to fantasize and integrates the people and situations around her into manhua plots. This summer, when He Luo goes to a tennis competition and sees the team leader Zhang Yuan, she falls head over heels for this beautiful and proud guy. Fate is on HeLuo’s side as they happen to meet again in English evening classes and confront each other during the school’s debating competition. The two become friends, but in He Luo’s imagination, he’s the main lead in her manhua. When He Luo’s friends find their own love, He Luo and Zhang Yuan finally open up about their true feelings. They agree to apply for the same university, however, Zhang Yuan fails to get in. From being in two different classes in the same school, they end up going to different universities in two different cities, and later even different countries, each making their own experiences while growing up. What will become of these two in the end?.

Love is the Word

Love is the Word

Love is the Word is a moving, romantic and funny coming-of-age drama about the magic of first love and the misery of first lost, set in 1978: the year 'Grease' hit the big screen..

Last Words

Last Words

Nagisa est une lycéenne de 17 ans qui a perdu sa mère, décédée d'un cancer l'année précédente. Lors d'une visite à l'hôpital, elle apprend qu'elle aussi est malade et qu'il ne lui reste plus qu'environ trois mois à vivre. Elle décide alors de partir en voyage sans rien en dire à son père. Ses pas l'amènent tout naturellement vers son village natal au bord de la mer où elle espère revoir son premier amour, le jeune Satoshi, de presque dix ans son aîné. Tandis que les souvenirs d'enfance remontent petit à petit, Nagisa ne parvient pas à s'ouvrir à Satoshi, que ce soit à propos de sa maladie ou de ses sentiments. Et lorsqu'elle se rend en plus compte que Satoshi entretient une liaison adultère avec une femme mariée et mère d'une petite fille, Nagisa est au bord du gouffre..

Love without Words

Love without Words

An old man finds it hard living with his injured legs, having to depend on others for his needs. But when a small puppy escapes from a nearby dog meat restaurant and comes into his life, things start to turn around..

Louise, One Word of Love

Louise, One Word of Love

The young Isabelle escapes from the orphanage and she adopted by two chaps on a caravan. They then meet by chance the posh family of Louise- who runs away with the three adventurers when confronted with the reality of having to marry a Belgian with a large moustache and a bald head. They find a dog. Later Louisa degenerates into a minor moment of sexual hedonism and multiplexing with the two chaps before they are all overwhelmed by the Armageddon that was WWI..

Love, Prostitute Word

Love, Prostitute Word

Follows the relationship between two couples: An unemployed professor, Fernando, sustained by his factory worker girlfriend Rita, and sexist and reactionary Luís Carlos and inexperient Lilita..

Love Is Only a Word

Love Is Only a Word

The 21-year-old student Oliver Mansfeld attends a boarding school in Frankfurt. There he meets the married banker's wife Verena. A passionate affair develops between them, which does not remain undiscovered by Verena's husband for long..

Lost for Words

Lost for Words

Un Américain à Hong Kong, une jeune danseuse envoutante, une histoire d’amour naissante, un grand père meurtri par la guerre du Vietnam… Voilà les ingrédients de ce long métrage. Leur amour résistera-t-il ?.