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Where There's a Will

Where There's a Will

A hapless grifter stands to inherit a small fortune from his estranged grandmother if he travels to Harmony, Texas to live with her. Instead of a short road to easy money, he finds a soft spot in his heart for the little town and unconditional love from his only living relative..

Where There's a Will

Where There's a Will

Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities.

Où est la maison de mon ami ?

Où est la maison de mon ami ?

Un écolier s’aperçoit, alors qu'il se prépare a faire ses devoirs, qu'il a rapporté chez lui par erreur, le cahier d'un camarade de classe. Sachant que son camarade risque d’être renvoyé s'il ne rend pas ses devoirs sur son propre cahier, il part a sa recherche. Mais la route est longue et difficile, l'adresse imprécise....

Where's Officer Tuba ?

Where's Officer Tuba ?

Tuba (Sammo Hung) est un flic un peu peureux et sans histoire. Il se retrouve malgré lui, à devoir faire le porteur de rançon dans une affaire de chantage à la bombe dont est victime un industriel. Malheureusement, les choses dégénèrent durant l’échange et le sergent Chiang (David Chiang) trouve la mort. Avant de mourir, il fait jurer à Tuba de conduire les criminels en prison. Ce dernier accepte mais n’a en réalité aucune intention de le faire et reprend ses activités habituelles. Toutefois, Chiang revient, sous forme de spectre, pour transformer sa vie en enfer tant qu’il n’aura pas accompli sa promesse. Face à l’accumulation des problèmes, Tuba décide de s’exécuter..

Where's Firuze?

Where's Firuze?

Hayri and Orhan are two music producers head over heels in debt. In an attempt to find the next big thing to turn the business around, they contact Ferhat, a gastarbeiter in Germany, and desperately bring him to Istanbul to sign him. As they are struggling to find the necessary funds to promote Ferhat's debut album, a mysterious rich woman named Firuze shows up and starts supporting them. The future now seems bright, but things are not always what they seem....

Where's Satomi

Where's Satomi

She appeared in a bunny girl costume in the middle of Gangnam! Yuria Satomi is an idol in the world of AV and while her Korean agency is preparing her fan meeting, they are struggling to save as much money as they can. They get a fake translator and book a cheap motel for her as the fan meeting goes on. The irresponsible translator leaves in the middle for another job and the manager disappears into a PC room to send an e-mail to their Japanese agency. Satomi is on her own. The female worker left on site even disappears with the van. Satomi is left in the middle of the city in nothing but a bunny girl costume....

Where's the Dragon?

Where's the Dragon?

The story follows a ten-year-old girl who teams up with animals from the Chinese Zodiac to search for a lost dragon and save the world from a treacherous conspiracy..

Where’s Usher?

Where’s Usher?

The road to Usher’s Super Bowl halftime performance continues. This time, Apple Music drops a new official film, Where’s Usher?, to promote the performance..

Where's Picone?

Where's Picone?

During a debate in Naples' town hall in the early 1980s, Pasquale Picone, a former steel-worker who has recently lost his job, sets himself on fire in front of the Municipal Council..

Where's Mama's Boy?

Where's Mama's Boy?

William Hung, who shot to fame with an off-key audition on "American Idol," makes his film debut in this martial arts musical comedy. Auntie Foon (Nancy Sit), a music hall owner in Imperial China, searches for her long-lost son, as well as husbands for her 12 daughters. Enter kindly singer Ma (Hung), who could be Foon's son. The fun family film also features a priceless Chinese version of Hung singing his signature, Ricky Martin's "She Bangs.".

Men Are from Mars... And That's Where I'm Going!

Men Are from Mars... And That's Where I'm Going!

Successful at work, Fernanda is an example of women of the third millennium, free to make their choices and independent. Yet in her personal life she finds herself struggling to find a husband. Like other women of her generation, Fernanda put her personal life on hold to devote herself to her career and now suddenly feels her love life situation has become an emergency. Being single at 39 is quite different from being single at 29, after all "the fertile egg has an expiration date"!.

Where's My Heart?

Where's My Heart?

A man who married from the women he loved, yet after marriage somewhere in his heart his old love is still alive and beating, to live in a struggle between both of them..

Yo, Where's My Lighter?

Yo, Where's My Lighter?

After an evening session of games, smoke and drinks. In the next morning, a group of young friends is getting ready to carnival festivities on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Moment that Lucas keeps everyone at the apartment, trying to find out the one who stole his lighter..

Where's yankel?

Where's yankel?

This is the incredible story of a group of Kletzmer musicians during a break in their concert. In a few minutes out of the stage fights, unexpected events happen that stem from the telling a brief little story..