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Dubai-based criminal don Uday takes it upon himself to try and get his sister Sanjana married - in vain, as no one wants to be associated with a crime family. Uday's associate Sagar Pandey finds a young man, Rajiv, who lives with his maternal uncle and aunt - Dr. and Mrs. Ghunghroo. Through extortion he compels Ghunghroo to accept this matrimonial alliance. But Rajiv has already fallen in love with young woman in South Africa. When the time comes to get Rajiv formally engaged to this woman, he finds out that Sanjana and she are the very same. With no escape from this predicament, the wedding is planned, with hilarious consequences..



Pour impressionner et reconquérir sa femme, Simon, maître nageur à la piscine de Calais, prend le risque d'aider en secret un jeune réfugié kurde qui veut traverser la Manche à la nage..

Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun

Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun

Suzuki Iruma a été vendu par ses parents, en manque d'argent, à un démon. Désormais, il devra se faire à sa nouvelle vie en tant que démon : il devra vivre comme eux, mais surtout, aller à l'école du monde des démons, où tout un tas de créatures diaboliques étudient !.

Welcome to Waikiki

Welcome to Waikiki

Dong-Goo, Joon-Ki et Doo-Sik sont des amis qui gèrent une maison d'hôtes appelée Waikiki. Tous les trois rêvent de faire carrière dans le cinéma mais aucun n'a réussi. Tout change le jour où une jeune femme débarque chez eux avec un bébé..

Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family

À la mort de son père, une mère célibataire sans sou et la seconde femme du défunt cachent sa mort quand elles découvrent qu'il les a toutes deux déshéritées..



Anna, a young Czech doctor, gets held up at US immigration after a humanitarian trip to Uganda, the day her boyfriend wants to propose to her..

Bienvenue à Wrexham

Bienvenue à Wrexham

Rob McElhenney et Ryan Reynolds sont les nouveaux dirigeants du Wrexham Football Club. Ils tentent de transformer cette équipe en difficulté en un outsider aimé du public. Des paillettes d'Hollywood au Pays de Galles, cette série documentaire suit les déboires de ces propriétaires sans expérience et montre les liens forts qui unissent l'équipe et sa ville..



Welcome is primarily the latest team video from Hyperlite, but it's also billed in the intro as a tribute to the "Welcome" family that built Radar Lake in Washington, which was bought by Herb O'brien and turned into the official testing grounds for Hyperlite products. This video pays homage to that history by taking the Hyperlite pro wakeboard and wakeskate team and filming them on and off the water while they spend some time at Radar Lake. Each rider is given a significant section in the film.



Thirty-five years after "Keep in Touch", Jean-Claude Rousseau’s filmmaking returns to the city of Carl Andre and Hollis Frampton. It’s like a miniature remake of "Rear Window", but a New York version – Rear Window as seen by a minimalist artist from New York. The window takes up almost the entire frame, the photographer is nowhere to be seen and the gaze, no longer voyeuristic, flutters over the surface of a red brick façade on the other side, studded by myriad identical windows. On the surface of the windows or in the depths of the bedrooms, life passes by, takes its leave and returns, always inaccessible..



James, a washed up South African writer needs to return to the home, he and his brother Ezekiel grew up in and he ran away from. Upon returning to the home the dark mysteries of the now empty house begin to reveal themselves again and James becomes haunted by the past he shares with the house and more importantly his now deceased father. A mysterious child, an ominous door and a broken home; James is faced with two choices run away again or confront his past..



The film tells the story of Dávid, an eighteen-year-old negligent teen. After eight years of being apart, Dávid and his mother move back from Vojvodina to Hungary to live with Dávid’s father. We slowly discover Dávid’s secret operation: he illegally transports refugees across the border for money, in order to fund his move abroad..



Welcome is an introduction to the skiing and creations from the Strictly family, a document of our season together spent throughout North America between December 2018 and April 2019..



After finding out his father had passed, James a washed up writer needs to return to the home, he and his brother Ezekiel grew up in and himself, ran away from. Upon returning to the home the dark mysteries of the now empty house begin to reveal themselves again and as James becomes haunted by the past his shares with the house and more importantly his father. A mysterious child, an ominous door and a broken home - James is faced with two choices run away again or confront his past..

Welcome to the JAPARI PARK

Welcome to the JAPARI PARK

Le parc Japari est un gigantesque zoo dont le sable, de composition spéciale, permet à certaines créatures de prendre une forme humaine féminine. Découvrez comment l'endroit est né !.

Welcome to the Punch

Welcome to the Punch

L’ancien criminel Jacob Sternwood doit quitter sa planque en Islande et revenir à Londres pour aider son fils impliqué dans un casse qui a mal tourné. Un retour au pays qui donne une chance à l’inspecteur Max Lewinsky d’attraper enfin l’homme qu’il n’a cessé de poursuivre depuis trois ans. L’un face à l’autre, c’est une véritable conspiration qu’ils vont mettre à jour et qu’ensemble ils vont devoir déjouer pour rester en vie….