

Comment regarder Undermind sur Netflix gratuitement



Undermind is a science fiction television drama produced by ABC Weekend Television in 1965. It ran for eleven episodes of sixty minutes each. It starred Rosemary Nicols, Jeremy Wilkin and Denis Quilley. The series was devised by Shoestring and Bergerac creator Robert Banks Stewart, who also went on to write for Doctor Who. Several other writers known for their work on Who also contributed scripts: David Whitaker, Bill Strutton and Robert Holmes..



Derrick, a corporate lawyer with a large trust fund, and Zane, a criminal, live in opposite social spheres. Although they never meet, their lives are more connected than either one of them could ever imagine..



What is it like to be trapped inside of the basement of your own mind? Five teenagers individually "wake up" in the basement of their mind only to find a floating orb as their companion-- their subconscious. Each now have to find their way back to the top before time runs out..