

Comment regarder True North sur Netflix gratuitement

True North

True North

Le Providence, vieux chalutier de pêche hypothéqué, fait la navette entre l'Ecosse et la Belgique. Comme il peine à remplir ses filets, il risque la saisie. A Ostende, Sean, le fils du patron, est approché par un trafiquant, qui lui propose des marchandises de contrebande. Mais au lieu des cigarettes qu'il s'est résolu à prendre en cachette de son père, on lui demande d'embarquer un petit groupe d'immigrants chinois clandestins, qui ont tous chèrement payé leur passage. Riley, le matelot du bord, le soutient à contrecoeur. Les passagers sont entassés à fond de cale, mais une gamine réussit à se faufiler sur le pont. Le navire entre dans la zone des tempêtes, la tension monte....

True North

True North

Follow TYT host John Iadarola and journalist Chavala Madlena on a journey throughout the Arctic, presenting an unprecedented view of life in a part of the world that few will ever see..

True North

True North

After his father disappears and the rest of his family is sent to a notorious political prison camp in North Korea, a young boy must learn to survive the harsh conditions, find meaning in his perilous existence, and maybe even escape..

True North

True North

The expansive beauty and serenity of the northern wilds are explored in this fascinating musical journey. Explore the rugged solitude of high mountain peaks; survey the magnificently deep and green rainforests; witness the playful interaction of orcas and humpback whales; and discover the otherworldly beauty of the aurora borealis. Music from John Serrie, Paul Speer, James Reynolds and Tangerine Dream accompanies this fantastical travelogue..

True North

True North

A girl in a mechanics workshop meets a submarine captain who owns a magical compass. The compass is not functioning, so he asks her to fix it. It turns out that the compass has showed him the way to the treasure he sought the whole time..

True North

True North

Loosely inspired by the story of the black American explorer, Matthew Henson (1866-1955) who accompanied Robert Peary and was one of the first people to reach the North Pole, later writing an account of his experience. In this fragmented narrative, Julien contemplates on ideas and histories of the hierarchical as well as in the struggling figure we find a succinct metaphor of endless traversing, symbolizing the voyage of the modern that has to be experienced by others..

True North

True North

A drifter receives a mysterious voicemail from his soon-to-be ex-wife, who has gone missing. As he searches for her, he uncovers the sinister nature of her disappearance..

Les Pays d'en haut

Les Pays d'en haut

Les Pays d'en haut met en vedette une prestigieuse distribution incluant Vincent Leclerc, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Maxime Le Flaguais et Antoine Bertrand. Les grands défis de la colonisation, le rôle de l’église et les enjeux politiques, les destins imprévisibles des personnages et du célèbre trio passionnel de Séraphin, Donalda et Alexis… Cette nouvelle mouture trouvera écho tant auprès des mordus que des plus jeunes générations..

True North Calling

True North Calling

TRUE NORTH CALLING is a documentary series that follows the lives of several compelling, resourceful Canadians living across the North, showing what it takes to make it and achieve their dreams, in Canada’s toughest terrain..

Hokuto No Ken I - L'Ère de Raoh

Hokuto No Ken I - L'Ère de Raoh

Dans un futur apocalyptique où règne la loi du plus fort, de puissants guerriers détenteurs de techniques ancestrales s'affrontent. Kenshirô l'unique héritier du Hokuto Shinken, un art de combat ultime qu'il met au service des populations opprimées, doit faire face à Souther, héritier des techniques de combat Nanto et qui affirme sa domination par la force et la cruauté... Mais un ennemi plus cruel se dresse devant lui : son propre frère Raoh, qui revendique dans le sang des innocents le titre d’unique héritier du Hokuto Shinken....

a-ha | True North

a-ha | True North

À 90 km au-dessus du cercle polaire arctique, les norvégiens de a-ha ont enregistré leur premier album depuis "Cast in Steel" en 2015. "True North" mettra en avant des acteurs dépeignant la vie dans le Nord. Il sera entrecoupé de passage du groupe enregistrant leur album durant les deux jours passés à Bodø, en Norvège. Il s'agit d'une production unique de a-ha qui incarne l'esprit de leurs nouvelles chansons. Stian Andersen, collaborateur de longue date de a-ha, est à la barre en tant que réalisateur : "Ce fut une mission honorable de réaliser le film True North. Cela a également été un grand plaisir d'écrire et de créer le récit pour correspondre aux belles chansons du groupe dans ce film"..

Ron James: True North

Ron James: True North

TRUE NORTH finds Ron James and his poetically charged brand of funny searching for slivers of sanity in a year so categorically ‘cuckoo’ that he watched dumbstruck as just about every nation on earth but Canada went “to hell in a hand cart.”.

True North: Inside the Rise of Toronto Basketball

True North: Inside the Rise of Toronto Basketball

On the heels of the Toronto Raptors’ historic NBA Championship and the record-setting number of Canadian draft picks, the Toronto hoop dream is more alive than ever. In this feature-length doc, director Ryan Sidhoo shines the spotlight on 12-year-old Elijah Fisher, 15-year-old Keone Davis and 18-year-old Cordell Veira as they navigate today’s youth basketball machine in pursuit of their own NBA dreams..

True North: Legends Of Dogs And Men

True North: Legends Of Dogs And Men

Musher Jonathan Hayes will attempt to go 261-mile backcountry through some of the most remote wilderness in Maine by the way of a team of 8 sled dogs. This expedition will recreate the distance run by legendary dog Togo and lead musher Leahnard Seppala almost 100 years ago as they raced to deliver the life-saving vaccine to the children of Nome Alaska. The dog Balto got the credit for the rescue because they finished the final 30 miles. But Togo and Seppala were the true heroes traveling a brutal 261 miles. And what many don't know is Togo retired right here in Maine at Poland Spring Resort where he started a kennel. And almost 100 years later with the descendants of Togo Jonathan Hayes will take on the True North of Maine! Take a seat and feel the cold wind rushing your face as he embarks on this life-changing adventure. Witness their determination as he attempts a 261-mile sled dog run honoring the legendary dog Togo!.