

Comment regarder TransSiberian sur Netflix gratuitement



Dans le Transsibérien qui les amène de Pékin à Moscou, Roy et Jessie, un couple d'Américains, font la connaissance de Carlos et Abby. Ignorant que Carlos a dissimulé de la drogue dans les bagages de Jessie, le couple va sombrer dans un engrenage meurtrier auquel Grinko, policier de son état, va plus que contribuer..

Trans-Siberian Pathfinders

Trans-Siberian Pathfinders

“Trans-Siberian Pathfinders” follows Lee Sun Gyun, Kim Nam Gil, Lee Sang Yeob, Kim Min Sik, and Go Kyu Pil as they travel along the Trans-Siberian Railway, which is on the bucket list of many travelers. Because all five men are actual friends, viewers are excited to see their chemistry through this new variety show..

Joanna Lumley à bord du Transsibérien

Joanna Lumley à bord du Transsibérien

Partez aux côtés de de Joanna Lumley pour un fascinant voyage en train de 9000 km pour relier Hong Kong à Moscou en passant par la Chine et la Mongolie. Joanna a choisi de partir d'Hong Kong, une ville où elle a grandi et qui était encore à l'époque une enclave occidentale puissante et non le symbole fort du capitalisme chinois qu'elle est aujourd'hui. La route qu'elle emprunte traverse des superpuissances oscillant entre tradition et modernité, des villes bouillonnantes et des merveilles naturelles qu'elle découvre et explore avec tout le charme, l'intelligence et l'humour qui la caractérisent. Partez avec elle à la rencontre des personnes extraordinaires qu'elle croise sur son chemin..

Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of Christmas Eve

Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of Christmas Eve

Enchanting holiday tale of a young runaway who has broken into an old movie palace, looking for shelter on a snow-filled Christmas Eve. Closed for decades, the building is filled with countless discarded artifacts from the past. The girl is discovered by the old caretaker, who uses the ghosts and spirits that inhabit this long-abandoned world to turn her life around..

Trans-Siberian Orchestra & Savatage: Wacken Open Air 2015

Trans-Siberian Orchestra & Savatage: Wacken Open Air 2015

At Wacken Open Air (W:O:A) 2015 music festival in northern Germany, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA (TSO) and SAVATAGE wowed 80,000-plus attendees with a never-before-attempted music festival performance. Following a 40-minute SAVATAGE set and a 40-minute TSO set, TSO and SAVATAGE band members, across two of the festival's main stages, performed a perfectly coordinated set of fan favorites. This ambitious feat, both musically and logistically, was helmed by Paul O'Neill. Al Pitrelli led TSO on the "True Metal Stage" and Jon Oliva headed SAVATAGE on the "Black Stage." Beyond the unprecedented act of two bands hitting the stage at the same time, this show was also memorable as it marked progressive metal originators SAVATAGE's first show in over a decade, TSO's first European festival show, as well as the only live appearances of both bands in Europe in 2015..

Trans-Siberian by Private Train

Trans-Siberian by Private Train

Director Michael Altenhenne has captured the journey on the Trans-Siberian by private train with his camera in a virtuoso manner. His impressions of Russia, Mongolia and China are perfect to lose oneself in the yearning for or maybe even one's own memories of the last genuine adventure trip on earth. The unique atmosphere onboard the comfortable private train, the sublime mood of the travellers and the natural and cultural wonders en route unfold their irresistible charm in this excellent documentary..

Trans-Siberian Express

Trans-Siberian Express

Paulo Coelho takes viewers on a magic journey aboard the legendary train that connects Moscow with Vladivostok. Coelho tours Siberia aboard the train, seeing majestic and enigmatic sights filled with history and enchantment..

Trans-Siberian Odyssey

Trans-Siberian Odyssey

For many, a journey on the Trans-Siberian train is a dream adventure. But, for the train’s team of conductors, it's just another job. However, it's far from routine, as it’s full of unexpected surprises and challenges. Learn about their duties, pastimes and unusual situations they come across while en route and find out what it’s really like to literally live at work..

Terreur dans le Shanghaï-Express

Terreur dans le Shanghaï-Express

En 1906, Alexander Saxton, paléontologue, découvre un hominien fossilisé en Chine. Lors de son retour à Londres par le Transsibérien, il fait la rencontre de son rival, le Docteur Wells, qui décide d'ouvrir la fameuse caisse qui contient la créature. Celle-ci revient à la vie..

Moscow Mission

Moscow Mission

Tough Chinese detectives go on a mission to Moscow to hunt down ruthless robbers who have been plaguing the trans-Siberian railway with violence and chaos..