

Comment regarder The Survivor sur Netflix gratuitement

Le Survivant

Le Survivant

Le film se déroule après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et raconte l'histoire de Harry Haft, un boxeur qui a combattu ses codétenus dans les camps de concentration pour survivre. Hanté par les souvenirs et sa culpabilité, il tente d'utiliser des combats de haut niveau contre des légendes de la boxe comme Rocky Marciano pour retrouver son premier amour..

Devil Survivor 2 The Animation

Devil Survivor 2 The Animation

Faisant fureur auprès des lycéens, une application mobile très spéciale se propage parmi la population japonaise, celle-ci donne la possibilité de voir en avance la mort d'un de ses amis en image. Amis de longue date, Hibiki et Daichi utilisent l'application avec amusement mais la vidéo qu'ils découvrent leur révèle leur propre mort. Incapable de changer cette tragédie, ces derniers se voient offert la possibilité de revivre. Pris en charge par le JP's, une organisation spéciale dirigée en secret par le gouvernement, ils prennent alors conscience qu'ils détiennent désormais le pouvoir de contrôler des démons devenant ainsi, le dernier rempart pour la survie de l'humanité, menacée d'extinction. .

The Last Survivors

The Last Survivors

Une adolescente, Kendal, se bat pour protéger le puits qui leur permet de survivre, elle et Dean. Un ami malade. Dans un monde sans eau, régenté par un homme mauvais, elle aspire à l'évasion..

Harold Robbins' The Survivors

Harold Robbins' The Survivors

The Survivors is a high-profile prime time soap opera aired by the ABC television network as part of its Fall 1969 lineup. This program is probably most noted now for having been the only appearance as a regular series character of major Hollywood actress Lana Turner, and also starred other "big names" such as Jan-Michael Vincent, Ralph Bellamy, Diana Muldaur, George Hamilton, Clu Gulager, and Natalie Schafer. Despite their presence, and that above the title of bestselling author Harold Robbins, since the characters were from his novel of the same name, the program was a ratings fiasco, losing badly to Mayberry R.F.D. and The Doris Day Show on CBS and The NBC Monday Movie on NBC. A program as expensive to produce as this one must garner large ratings in order to be successful, so it was cancelled at midseason, although it was rerun the following summer in an attempt to recoup at least some of the investment..

The Survivor

The Survivor

A powerful and emotional new episode of ESPN E60 will look back 50 years to one of the darkest moments in sports history – the Munich Massacre, when Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli sportsmen at the 1972 Summer Olympics. E60 will tell the story of one Israeli athlete, now 86, who survived, just as he had survived World War II and the Holocaust when he was a child..

The Survivor

The Survivor

A young man acquires a set of skills from a botched medical experiment and uses those skills to survive and tackle the organization that is trying to capture him for it..

Ted Bundy: The Survivors

Ted Bundy: The Survivors

Ted Bundy est un meurtrier qui se fait passer pour un charmant étudiant en droit. Ses meurtres sont choquants, mais les histoires des femmes qui ont survécu sont inspirantes..

Primal Survivor: Over the Andes

Primal Survivor: Over the Andes

On the first leg of his epic journey across South America, wilderness explorer Hazen Audel tackles the mighty Atlantic Forest. Battling snake-filled swamps and a deadly waterfall descent, Hazen follows the sun west to the territory of the Guarani people. Here he plays his part in a traditional game-hunt before joining the villagers for a ritual harvest festival feast..

The Survivors

The Survivors

Sonny Paluso et Donald Quinelle, qui viennent tous les deux de perdre leur job, se rencontrent en empêchant un voleur de dévaliser un bar. Ils deviennent des héros..

A l’épreuve d’une tribu

A l’épreuve d’une tribu

Le survivaliste Hazen Audel affronte le plus grand défi de sa vie, traverser 800 kilomètres de forêt amazonienne inexplorée, en utilisant uniquement des techniques de survie traditionnelles. Il se retrouve face à une succession d'environnements naturels comptant parmi les plus extrêmes de la planète, et alors que la saison des pluies commence, il doit atteindre la côte atlantique avant d'être piégé par les inondations..

The Last Survivors

The Last Survivors

When a passenger ship sinks, a ship's officer must decide which passengers in an overcrowded lifeboat must be sacrificed so the rest can survive an approaching typhoon..

Street Survivors: The True Story of the Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash

Street Survivors: The True Story of the Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash

The movie centers on drummer Artimus Pyle's experience as a band member in Lynyrd Skynyrd and the tragically fateful day their rented plane crashed in the swamps of Gillsburg, MS on October 20th, 1977 and took the lives of singer Ronnie Van Zant, guitarist Steve Gaines, his sister backup singer Cassie Gaines, road manager Dean Kilpatrick, and the two pilots. This movie focuses on the hours leading up to the event, the day of, and the aftermath..

The Last Survivor

The Last Survivor

After all of humanity disappears, Rick Reeves is seemingly the last human on Earth. He spends his day searching for other survivors and trying to survive. But an unknown force is hunting for Rick..

The Last Survivors

The Last Survivors

Documentary compiling the testimonies of the last remaining Holocaust survivors living in Britain, all of whom were children at the time, and following them over the course of a year as they embark upon personal and profound journeys..

Survivors Speak: Domestic Abuse & the Legal System

Survivors Speak: Domestic Abuse & the Legal System

In Alberta, domestic abuse survivors consistently report that the legal system is one of the biggest barriers on their healing journeys. The legal system has not been designed for survivors, and survivors who access it must often navigate a minefield of judges and lawyers who do not understand the realities of domestic violence, and legal procedures that protect their abusers while exposing them to further harm. These experiences can be deeply traumatizing, and in some cases, can reinforce or replicate the abuse survivors have already experienced. In 2023, the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters partnered with survivors from across Alberta to better understand the experience of navigating the legal system in cases of domestic violence and abuse. In this documentary, seven survivors share their experiences of the legal system, and what they wish judges, lawyers, and public knew about domestic abuse..

Survivors: Portraits of the Holocaust

Survivors: Portraits of the Holocaust

We follow a project spearheaded by the Prince of Wales, who has commissioned seven leading artists to paint seven survivors of the Holocaust. Throughout the programme, we hear the testimonies of the remarkable men and women who were children when they witnessed one of the greatest atrocities in human history, as well as meeting the artists as they grapple with their paintings..