

Comment regarder The Image sur Netflix gratuitement

The Image

The Image

A response to Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" re-created into a new fairytale encompassing the ideas of the novel mixed with personal experience, traditional folk stories, and snippets from art and literature..

The Image of You

The Image of You

Le lien qu'ont les jumelles monozygotes Anna et Zoé va être mis à l'épreuve car Anna a un nouvel amour, Nick. Alors qu'Anna est éperdument amoureuse, sa sœur Zoé, sceptique, subodore un tissu de mensonges. Mais tandis que Zoé recherche la vérité, tout le monde est attiré dans un jeu dangereux où l'honnêteté peut s'avérer fatale..

The Image You Missed

The Image You Missed

Donal Foreman a rarement vu son père, le documentariste américain d’origine irlandaise Arthur MacCaig, mort en 2008. Plongeant dans ses archives, il apprend à connaître ce Parisien d’adoption à travers ces images parfois inédites sur le sujet qui l’a occupé toute sa vie : le conflit nord-irlandais..

The Brilliant Biograph - Les Plus Anciennes Images Filmées d'Europe 1897-1902

The Brilliant Biograph - Les Plus Anciennes Images Filmées d'Europe 1897-1902

Eye Filmmuseum et le British Film Institute présentent un film de compilation d'images rares récemment restaurées des premières années du cinéma. Plongez dans des images enchanteresses de Venise, Berlin, Amsterdam et Londres d'il y a 120 ans. Laissez-vous emporter par les événements fascinants et les célébrités de l'époque, et ressentez l'enthousiasme du cinéma des débuts qui a relevé le défi de capturer un mouvement réaliste..

Ghost Photos : The Cursed Images

Ghost Photos : The Cursed Images

Toshiko, une élève du secondaire, reçoit un message sur son portable de son frère duquel elle a été séparée depuis le divorce de leurs parents. Jointe au message, l'image mystérieuse d'une étrange forêt avec une femme inconnue. Depuis ce jour, des choses étranges commencent à prendre place dans le corps de Toshiko. La séparation de sa famille, la pression de sa mère pour passer les examens d'entrée et son frère qui lui manque… Tout cela fait des ravages sur Toshiko..

Image of the Beast

Image of the Beast

Third and best known entry in the Mark IV series of fundamentalist apocalypse films. Fundamentalist Christian guerrilla David helps condemned dissidents escape, attempts to subvert the computerized Mark of the Beast, and generally tries to survive as prophecy unfolds in the rise of the Antichrist to the pinnacle of his power and the beginning of God's war on sinful man..

The Imagemaker

The Imagemaker

Roger Blackwell has been a media advisor to countless politicians: probably one too many. He is set on using his experience to make a film about manipulation of the media by unscrupulous politicos..

Narcissism: The Auto-Erotic Images.

Narcissism: The Auto-Erotic Images.

Non-binary film maker Toni Karat invited queer and sex-positive people of the ‘Berlin porn bubble’ for this impressive documentary about narcissism and self-love. In authentic and touching self-reflective interviews ten protagonists who are as diverse as possible – lesbian, gay, queer, trans, non-binary and often over 50 – tell their sexual stories and contemplate their personal journeys and struggles. It’s an almost philosophical little masterpiece with a lot of honesty and authenticity on both sides of the camera..

The Image Revolution

The Image Revolution

Twenty years ago, seven superstar artists left Marvel Comics to create their own company, Image Comics, a company that continues to influence mainstream comics and pop culture to this day. Image began as more than just a publisher - it was a response to years of creator mistreatment, and changed comics forever. The Image Revolution tells the story of Image Comics, from its founders' work at Marvel, through Image's early success, company difficulties during the comics market implosion, and ultimately the publisher's new generation of properties like The Walking Dead. Filled with colorful characters, the film is a clarion call to artists to take control of their destiny..

Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl

Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl

The present day: just as the Fourth Doctor and Leela arrive in Fetchborough, England, Professor Fendelman prepares to experiment on a fossilized skull which science says should not exist. The skull is actually an artefact of the Fendahl, a god-like being who feeds on the life force of others. It has begun to awaken and kill. Worse yet, others seek to exploit the Fendahl's dreadful power..

Vincent Price: The Sinister Image

Vincent Price: The Sinister Image

This tribute to Hollywood legend Vincent Price sheds light on his career in film, television, radio and theater, and includes Price's fascinating hour-long interview with film historian David Del Valle. Taking place near the end of Price's career in 1987, the interview illuminates many of the horror icon's experiences. Also included are two complete television shows from the 1950s and '60s, along with "Three Skeleton Key," a 1958 radio drama..